
Derek Smart · @dsmart

22nd Dec 2015 from TwitLonger

Star Citizen state of the $100m game....

Ganked (with minor edits) without permission from the crazy Goon who actually sat down, watched this, and documented it. Yeah.

Latest state of the $100m game brought to you by super fan (no, she's not one of the White Knight crazies; so be nice) - and almost CIG marketing employee - @StarCitizenAA


Running up stairs to the landing paid, she turns while still talking. Her Cutlass has spawned with its ass propped up on some miscellaneous piece of space architecture.

Game crashes less than 2 minutes after she manages to get it off the landing pad.

10 Minutes in

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUSWAzgbB34&t=10m0s]this happens


10:30 into the game, she gets out of her seat, which drops her out of her ship, and then it drifts away.


She floats towards it. As she nears it, her shadow somehow manages to render atop the ship, yet below the decal teeth.


She manages to get into the ship again, and is told after entering the cockpit that it is overheating. She takes command and starts flying, and then starts complaining about Elite Dangerous charging for the Horizon's expansion. A person who has spent $4000 on Star Citizen spaceships that she can't successfully fly yet finds it "hard to stomach" paying $60 more to have Planetary Landings in a **real** game which you can play **right** now.

At 16:45, she attempts to land on a derelict station while raving about how amazing (NOTE: it's staged presentation that is no more than a CryEngine mod running in the game's editor - dsmart) the "From Pupil to Planet" video was. Landing gear is down- all is looking good- when it suddenly bolts forward and into the station.



At 17:16 seconds, she prepares to exit via the cockpit hatch. Yet she can not, after repeated efforts



At 21:22, she crashes again.


4yrs + $100 + 1 incompetent prick = one impressive vaporware clusterfuck

ps: It's Alpha. But according to CIG, since they branded it 2.0 (yeah, we're scratching our heads over that too) it's a **substantial** delivery now. So well, no refunds.

So piss off.


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