Stone-verse: Worries Over the Throne.


The thought of what he faces has been getting to Boromir.

@Valandhir @Boromir_Aesir



The trek south with Thirán's people and all the groups that had decided they wanted to get out from under Erebor's rule was not a easy thing. It took some working out to organise everyone, arranging the groups in the best option to keep guard of those non-combatants, not that there were many of them. For Boromir however the trials of see everyone moving and keeping guard against possible attacks (and there had already been a couple) had kept his mind off thinking too much over what had been revealed at the meeting with Aragorn.

They were stopped for the night, watches posted about cook-fires going and with a few moments to rest the issue of the throne had once again arisen in his thoughts. He was the heir of Meneldil's line, he had a claim on the throne and, if what Elennárë had said through the vision that had hit her, was in fact a wiser choice to claim it over even his own father.

There had always been a sense in the Steward's household of wishful thinking about claiming the throne, a slight bitterness that his father was only a Steward, but still the strong sense of honour that kept them from just forcing the issue. But now...

Boromir found a spot, a ways away from the central fire where even now people were gathering to chat and relax and smoke while the evening meal was cooking. He needed the space at times, the dwarves were a lot more physical in their interactions than he had picked up from Kíli. The space did help with trying to cope with his unsettled thoughts and had kept him from getting to unstable, but it was getting harder the further south they got - the closer to Gondor.

He had a superior claim on the throne. He would have to argue it out with his father. He would have to lead Gondor.

He did not know if he was ready for all of that yet.


Kíli had noticed that Boromir was drifting away from the others whenever they camped at night. Part of it might be natural, Dwarves could be a rowdy group under the best of circumstances and much more physical in their interaction. Being among them reminded Kíli of how hard it had been at first to be along among men, how starved he had become for interaction, for simple affections until he had learned to read them into their words, and not expect them in gestures. For any man being thrown among a group of dwarves would be a challenge, and they had the worst table-manners.

But there was something else, something deeper than just that to Boromir's actions. Sometimes Kíli felt like Boromir was evading him too, like something was weighing him down. After things did not calm down a few nights down the road, Kíli simply followed him one evening to the edge of camp, where he had chosen to sit down. He was careful to not startle Boromir, when he approached. Yet, Boromir did not notice him right away... and he seemed drawn, worried.

With some swift steps Kíli reached him and squatted down before him, to lightly touch the warriors hand's with his. "Something is worrying you.", he observed gently.


The touch helped bring Boromir out of his thoughts and look at Kíli, seeing the concern in his eyes. "I... cannot keep my thoughts off something that was revealed when I went to speak with Thorongil. Something that Elennárë spoke of..." he trailed off, his breath a bit shaky. Instead he tried to stabilize himself by grasping Kíli's hand, letting it's solid presence reassure him.


"Your lineage," Kíli replied, laying his other hand firmly on the hand that enclosed his own, the firm grip alone spoke of the way Boromir was shaken, was looking for something to hold onto. "If what Elennárë saw was true, and I have no reason to doubt her, Gondor had her saviour all along." In a way it made sense, Gondor had a strong leader, one that had seen them best as possible through this war. Saving her might fall on Boromir's shoulders as well - Kíli understood that expectation all too well. He had seen it lived in Thorin to the very last. But he also knew that those duties were a heavy burden, and one that could easily break a soul. "It worries you, does it? Your people waited for a King to return for almost a thousand years."


"It worries me," Boromir agreed. "I know I can lead the army, but can I truly stand to lead the whole nation? And how will my father take it? To know our line has a solid claim, but that it would be better if it were not him to claim it? That is what she said, what the Valar sent through Elennárë..." His attention was firmly on the hands, in and around his own, using them as a point to keep him stable. "...And I do not know how many of the lords I can really get on my side on it, my uncle surely, the Ithillien families and those around Pelargir... but those heading up towards Anfalas..." He shook his head, his mind bringing up every possible dissenter he knew, knowing some of the western lords were the ones who felt the war the least and struggled against the necessary measures it required.


"Maybe it would not be wise to reveal that we know of the true heir right away," Kíli said slowly, it had been long that he had had any need of thinking politically, but somewhere deep down were some of the things Balin had passed on. "Gondor is in the middle of a war, and that is a bad time for strife in the ranks. You lead the armies, we fight this war... and while we do that, we prepare the groundwork for the rest. You are already bringing together an alliance. Hopefully Elennárë can win over her brothers to join us down here. An alliance of elves and men will remind people of stories... the last time this was done, it was done by a king. The link is there, the people will pick it up. It will take time to sew rumours about the heir... that he is already there, and so forth. So that on the day, you will have to go and find that sapling of the White Tree it will appear most natural to most of your people."


"Elennárë said she already asked Faramir to look into it... I do not know if he would go to Father with the information, if he found it." Boromir gave a small snort as he thought about that. "He may not, he has had a long habit of coming to me in preference, if I reported on a matter Father would take it more easily than he would from Fari." He did see the wisdom in what Kíli was saying, but the worry that his father could already know lingered.


"Your father may be a hard man, certainly a hard man to please and he is probably not that easy to have as a father," Kíli said, he had respect for Denethor, whom he had seen as a smart, cunning and very insightful leader so far. But he also saw that his sons lacked the love, the protection of strong family bonds. "But he is not evil, and he is very very smart. If we put it to him the right way, - which may involve Elennárë, for he likes her ability to speak Quenya to him - he might agree that instead of claiming the crown too early, it would be wiser to prepare the path for his son... or even grandson."


Boromir looked up at Kíli as he said that. "You're not..."


Kíli leaned closer and captured Boromir's lips with a warm, gentle kiss. "You should see yourself when you are startled," he teased him, unable to hide the affection from his eyes or voice. "Small wonder even Shakurán found you irresistible."


Boromir groaned, expressing his mixed feelings about Shakurán and his tendency to flirt in a succinct manner. "Don't remind me of that, I have enough trouble trying not to walk out of a room when he decides to tease me." It was something in the winter weeks before they set out on this journey, with Shakurán finding a place for himself in the workings of the Capital and getting in touch with people he could draw information from that even Faramir's network mind miss. What Shakurán could dig up he brought straight to Boromir and with his reports came his sense of humour as well.

Perhaps in a time where he had not known Kíli, Boromir might have responded to it, but that time had not happened in this life (though he wondered if there was a life somewhere, somehow, where it had).


Kíli smiled, he knew that Shakurán's teasing was not truly romantic in nature - he could imagine that the Easterling could have fallen for Boromir under different circumstances, but here it was a way he expressed friendship. "See... he loves to see that expression on your face." he said, feathering a gentle kiss on Boromir's hand. "And you can stop worrying, I have not stopped using the herbs." He would not simply stop them, for he had his doubts that Boromir was ready to seriously contemplate the implication that they might have a child one day.


Boromir let out a breath, feeling a little relieved about that admission. The idea that dwarven en could carry children was still a little strange to him, even in the face of Anvari's parentage and finally meeting Thórálfr, but the thing that made the idea of Kíli being pregnant now unsettling was the concern about what effect the journey south would have on him.

"I do hope for the day that you can, but right now..." He shrugged a bit and pulled Kíli closer so he could draw him into a loose hug. "A pregnancy on the road would not be easy, at the least."


Kíli could see the relief, and he understood. For Menfolk the very idea that a male warrior could conceive was shocking, often outright linked with evil. Boromir was more accepting than most, but it would take time for him to really be comfortable with the idea. "I think I could handle that - my people always when they needed to, male and female alike. But... this is not the right time, not with the war, not with your situation..." he leaned closer into the embrace, on arm sneaking around his lover. "Though it would be a convenient way to get rid of some of the noble houses. If they hear of it... they'll die of shock."


"Maybe that would deal with some of the houses that would object the most to having me as a king," Boromir responded, a bit of humour seeping into his tone. "Though I would hope it only did so to them. Maybe the friendlier houses should get advanced warning before a public announcement." As Kíli pressed into his hold, Boromir in turn wrapped his arms around him tighter.

"I think though that I should not think too hard on the matter of the throne for now and concentrate on seeing everyone gets to the White Mountains safely. I can worry about kingship when we get back to Minas Tirith."


Kíli snuggled closer into the embrace, he cherished each of these moments, the closeness they could share. Yet Boromir's words made him look up, eyes earnest. "It will always be there, even when you think it cannot." he said softly. "it will be the steel that binds your life, even when you do not speak of it to anyone. But no matter where it will lead you, what lies ahead... you are not alone with it." He tilted his head to feather a kiss on Boromir's cheek. They may have to keep this secret for a long time, but somehow Kíli was sure that Elennárë's vision had come for a reason, that there was meaning to it. They'd find it, as time passed.

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