My new team / yeni takımım

Yeni takımım Team Huma arkadaşlar kadro : Werlyb - Je suis kaas - Godbro - Santorin şu anda EU cs elemelerindeyiz kazanırsak LCS'e çıkmak için bir split beraber oynayacağız. Umarım desteklerinizi bu takımda da eksik etmezsiniz ^^

Hi my name is HolyPhoenix, and I’ve been playing in the Turkish LCS for the past three years. The first two seasons I competed with Dark Passage and in 2014 we achieved 1st place and attended Worlds.
Huma has been the first EU team I formally signed with and hands down have the best staff I’ve ever worked with. Everyone has been so helpful and friendly that it creates this awesome environment and experience for me as a player.
With Huma I will be playing the role of ADC alongside Je Suis Kaas as my support. My goal for myself and the Team is to make it to the EU LCS stage within the next year. With these players and the org staff I feel a new level of motivation and drive to improve. I believe this team can make it to the LCS.

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