Sam Heughan Golden Globe Snub

I am not one to post much on this group, but I feel compelled to write something about the snub that Sam Heughan received this year at The Golden Globes nominations. I had never read the Outlander books, but through various friends on Facebook, would see the letters JAMMF and wonder what the hell they were all about. I had also heard the name Diana Gabaldon, but didn't give it a second thought. Then one day, I was watching Showcase Channel in Canada and I heard a voice say the famous wedding episode words, “It's as though I walked in from a cloudy day and suddenly the sun came out.” I was intrigued and with the scene of the dress, the Scottish tartans and a lovely young man, I decided to give Outlander a go!
I am here to say that I think Sam Heughan is one of the bravest, most honest actors I have ever witnessed in my life. I have viewed thousands of hours of televison and movies, and when I reached the end of To Ransom a Man's Soul, I was utterly gutted, blown away, annihilated and transcended by Sam's depiction of the torture, destruction and raping of Jamie Fraser. I have never seen an actor go to such lengths with portraying the madness, soul-crushing degradation of a human being with such raw integrity. From the first episode of the series to the last of Season 1, the character of Jamie has been given blood, bone, marrow and sinew with Sam's skill. Nervous bride groom, powerful warrior, humiliated clansman, to the manor-born Laird, fierce outlaw, passionate lover, devoted husband, hilarious drunkard, all have been in Sam's boundless wheelhouse as an actor and a man.
To see this man carry himself with such wickedly good humour, grace and kindness, to witness his charitable pursuits, graciousness towards all his fellow cast and crew, and see his gentle self-effacement at his natural beauty and charisma is a privilege and pleasure to behold. I can honestly say that I love Sam Heughan. Not in the “I want him as my boyfriend” way, but in the way one is absolutely delighted by the fact that he is on this planet, setting my screen ablaze with his talent and warming the souls of those around him. All beautiful, loving and kind wishes go out to him. Sam, your name is known in many corridors now, the world has taken you into its heart and even though a collection of journalists didn't see fit to reward you with the possibility this year to receive their shiny piece of gold, know that you are a rare breed, a true dragonfly in amber and a diamond geezer to us all. Teary-eyed and awestruck fan for life, I wish you success and joy always.

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