
Derek Smart · @dsmart

1st Dec 2015 from TwitLonger

Star Citizen is now being ported to DX12. Words fail me..

While you were sleeping, news broke that the folks over at the Star Citizen camp were in the process of porting the entire custom engine (built on top of CryEngine3)...to DX12.

Seriously. This news broke over night; and I'm still stumped.

This for a game which, by all accounts and going from the recently rushed 2.0 pre-Alpha release, is so far off that only the whales still putting money into it have any hopes that they will ever see a game.

$100m (triple-A title budget) crowd-funded, and over 4 years later, nothing but a glorified proof-of-concept tech demo exists.

My guess is that, if they survive 2016, the next big piece of news is that the game is going to be ported to Xbox One.

Not to mention the fact that this article confirms my suspicion that this is still a 32-Bit game with zones. NOT a seamless 64-Bit universe as has been pitched. It's all right there on p6. And that has **very** serious implications for the game and those who are expecting a seamless universe as has been pitched.

I mentioned that here last week.


At this point, nothing further needs to be said. I'm just going to watch what comes next.


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