[JAEHYO] No.. I’m saying that our manager-hyung took the photo.. during the shootㅋㅋ

(T/N: Fans thought it was a picture of the manager)

[FAN to JAEHYO] Oppa, how did you lose weight and get abs in such a short amount of time???

[JAEHYO to FAN] You just need to not eat a single grain of rice for a whole month, eat 3 pieces of chicken breast, and do weight training 6 times a week. In exchange you will die.

[FAN2 to JAEHYO] 3 pieces per meal???!!!!

[JAEHYO to FAN2] In one day


[FAN to JAEHYO] I. . asked for your secret method. .
But you won’t share it. . . .(Sad honey

[JAEHYO to FAN] You just need to exercise and not eat... There’s no other secret meethod..


[FAN to JAEHYO] Ah... I misunderstood your previous tweet

[JAEHYO to FAN] Dummy...



[JAEHYO to FRIEND] How many years as it been

[FRIEND to JAEHYO] ㅋㅋ I know right ㅋ How are you? ㅋIt’s been a whileㅋSince I’ve used Twitter so I was surprised when I saw the pictureㅋㅋ

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