[JAEHYO] I believe that you will definitely do well and come home smiling. Exam student BBC fighting. Even if you aren't BBC, all exam students fighting


[FAN to JAEHYO] Wah... I'm an exam student. I'm taking the test tomorrow I'm gonna cryㅠㅠ

[JAEHYO to FAN] Don't worry, you're gonna come out doing well no matter what because oppa picked youㅋㅋ


[FAN to JAEHYO] Thank you oppaㅠㅠ I'll do well on the test so that your support doesn't go to waste!!! I hope that after the Sooneung is over I can come back and tell you that I did wellㅠ

[JAEHYO to FAN] It's gonna go well for you too, you'll probably come out with a smile, you know?


[FAN to JAEHYO] Okay 🙌❤❤ Thank you 💛 I'll send you a mention after I do well on the test!!!!!!!!! If you don't get a mention..... that means I didn't do well..... No no I want to do well for sure and send you a mention

[JAEHYO to FAN] Come back after you do well


[FAN to JAEHYO] To be honest, I kept getting the lowest score and I'm worried that I won't get into the other universities that I applied to so I couldn't sleep properly, but seeing this support message I feel a little better... Thank you...!!!

[JAEHYO to FAN] That definitely won't happen tomorrow, don't worry


[FAN to JAEHYO] Oppa I have the 3rd year Junior High, finals please send me a support message..........

[JAEHYO to FAN] Cutieㅋㅋㄱㅋ


[FAN to JAEHYO] I'm having a lot of emotions right now since I'll be taking the test with kids younger than meㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋhyu... I'll be going!

[JAEHYO to FAN] ㅋㅋㅋㄱI'll cheer you a tiny bit more than anyone else, fighting


[FAN to JAEHYO] I'll come back aftwr doing well on the Sooneung. I communte a long distance to school so my house is on Gyeonggido but the Sooneung test is in Choongcheong...ㅠㅠ Please give me a fighting so I won't be late

[JAEHYO to FAN] Fighting, you won't be late for sure and all the questions you memorized will be on the test


[FAN to JAEHYO] Oppa I'll send you a mention after doing well on the test♡♡I'll say that I have no regrets and that I did my best! That I can see you with dignity!

[JAEHYO to FAN] Alright, do well but instead of me go to your parents and give them a big hug and be happy


[FAN to JAEHYO] Ingㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Thank you so much oppaㅠㅠㅠ❤You're really giving me strength!ㅠㅠI really hope that I can go home with a smile......😂

[JAEHYO to FAN] Fighting, that will come to be no matter what


[FAN to JAEHYO] The Sooneung that i thought will not come to me is tomorrow.... I wasn't worried but I'm getting more and more nervous..ㅠㅠㅠㅜㅍ

[JAEHYO to FAN] Don't be nervous. I know you'll do well


[FAN to JAEHYO] Waah I can't believe it's here, will I really be able to go home smiling?

[JAEHYO to FAN] Yeah, I believe


[FAN to JAEHYO] I hope I can send you a mention with excitement later on because I got into university..ㅠㅡㅠ

[JAEHYO to FAN] I believe you will because you worked hard


[JAEHYO] I wanted to give back the feeling of how thankful we are and how precious it is when you guys send your love and support to us before our comebacks when we are nervous with anticipation.
Thank you for always making us feel thankful and loved. This feeling right now is from the feeling of thanks and love we always feel towards you.

[JAEHYO] You guys aren't the only ones cheering us, we're always cheering for you too. So don't be so nervous.

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