Comedy Gold (Yet another response to @NinNuggets)

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I love you. I said I would not reply anymore, but you are once again forcing my hand. I never thought I would get this much entertainment two days in a row. I'll know when to stop, though. Believe me when I say that feeding on my company will not help you one bit. Spreading lies even less so. Allow me to, once again, debunk your entire article.

Yes, I got money from fans who believed in my project last year (far from 73k though). You know what? Most of them still do. The angry comments you see are easily crushed by the messages of support Midora still gets every single day, which fuels our desires to reach our goal.
Yes, I did lie about the amount required to complete this game. I already admitted to that. Do you know many people who will admit they were wrong? I explained my mistakes and everything that happened. I'm certainly no angel, but I am still trying to make the game happen. Watch me succeed.
Yes, I am asking for more money. Not from the kickstarter backers because I know not to insult my fans. I'm asking for money from publishers and investors. Know your facts.

No, I did not run away with the money. If I did, you certainly would not be reading this.
No, I did not steal the money from the kickstarter fans. I used it for its original purpose: develop Midora. You can't exactly call this theft.
No, you cannot say I mismanaged Midora from day 1. Even my own mother can't say that. You haven't been watching everything I do, every single day, since I started this. If anything, the successful kickstarter proves I did something right and that there is a real interest in the game. But keep judging me, I'm used to it.

About the whole kickstarter is now worse because of my actions: you are simply wrong.
Midora's "failure" does not make it impossible for other campaigns to succeed there. If anything, my mistakes should serve as an example to creators. When one fails, plenty more succeed. How can you say that people will now refuse to invest anything? You don't have the numbers, I don't either, so let's stop pretending X will have Y consequence. I'm pretty sure Kickstarter or other creators would have contacted me if what I did truly harmed everyone. So far, Kickstarter is still healthy and growing. I don't see that changing anytime soon.

I really didn't want to judge you on your own projects, but man you are asking for it. If anything, your own UCraft kickstarter ended up hurting other kickstarter campaigns by simply being there, overshadowing them. You are part of those who tried to create a clone of a popular game and get it crowdfunded. You are already more of a thief than I will ever be. "UCraft", Minecraft for Wii U. How original.

I can't wait to debunk your next, so professional, article.


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