Third Q: Infrastructure

You are committed to taking us into deficit to fund your infrastructure plan. Spending money is an easy promise. What does success look like?
Success is when people are able to chart their own future and dreams without relying on a government to tell them specifically what they are or aren't allowed to do. Short term deficits are okay, but the billionsof dollars in deficits better have an exit plan.With our Basic Income Guarantee plan or B.I.G. it will eliminate approximately $180 billion in wasted money on an ineffective welfare system bureaucracy and payout. That is more money available for infrastructure.
We need to give the municipalities a permanent source of revenue aside from property taxes, tickets, and the obsolete exorbitant license cost for taxi. Municipalities are the heart and soul of a nation and they must be empowered to create a community according to their vision. One way of doing that is through infrastructure bonds.
Infrastructure bonds can help fund the creation of zero or low-emission transportation which will increase mobility, interconnectedness and access to businesses throughout a community. By funding and using bicycle lanes, for example, people will become healthier, thereby decreasing costs to health care, and will have more spending money as a result of using a more cost-efficient mode of transportation. Decentralization can be good for physically building our nation. Top down micromanagement has been shown not to work for infrastructure, as our deteriorating roads, bridges, and sewage treatment plants demonstrate.

Retort to leader's responses:
We need to empower the provinces and municipalities. Listen to ideas and feedback from the grassroot and work with them. Federal government dictating everything and micromanaging how money should be spent have not worked.

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