Taking a Stand against child sacrifice and sexual abuse

Mr Putin,

Recently I watched a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuVgFfSWfDg in which Mr Putin has taken a stand against a totally decadent West that has cut themselves off from their Christian roots and exchanged the worship of God for the worship of Satan. This has led to horrific and rampant child and human trafficking, blood rituals and sacrifices, child sexual abuse and torture, legitimizing of same-sex marriage and homo-sexualism, with pedophilia not far behind.

Russia is about the only country that has taken steps to ensure the protection of moral values and the protection of her children and her people. In this regard I refer to the law that was signed in 2013 banning the adoption of children by same-sex couples in Russia and abroad as well as by residents of foreign countries, where gay marriages are sanctioned. Another law in the same year strengthened the penalties for propagating homosexuality among minors, which surely covers a wide field.

In the light of this have I compiled a presentation wherein is shown that, although much is done to unofficially expose these evil deeds particularly in Scotland, the United Kingdom and Australia, most of it is covered-up by the very organization that is supposed to take a stand for the victims, the Government/State of each country. Within this presentation I tried to convey to you the suffering experienced by children in such situations of abuse and torture and the life-long scars that seem never to really heal. The link for this presentation is here http://naked-truth.publish2go.org/2015/09/07/unlatching-the-cover-up-of-crimes-by-revealing-the-evil-underneath/

Mr. President I want you to know that I and many like myself who do not have the privilege to dwell in your country or be a Russian citizen, have a great admiration for you as the one person and head of state in the world that is not afraid to acknowledge that your country is a Christian country and that you are established upon the moral values that should direct and steer the day to day running of such a country. In the light of this I am asking you to help and advise me and the many victims of satanic ritual and child sexual abuse of past present and future to uproot the causes of this practice, to expose the cover-ups of such deeds by influential people, to see that justice is served upon the perpetrators be they prince or pauper, pope or priest.

In order for you to read of and understand what these victims have been and are suffering, I have also added to this presentation a few testimonies of survivors, including my own which is the last one: Misha’s Testimony.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this.

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