
Brian Fraley · @Dailytakes

29th Aug 2015 from TwitLonger

Breaking....Trump's foreign policy speech leaked.

@BradThor, how close am I?

"These other guys running with their vision and plans. Big deal. What's that? Nothing. Just a speech or whatever. Those guys are all losers. I don't like losers. I like winners. That's why our military under Trump will be great. Just great. The best. No one will mess with us because we'll be the greatest. And China and Russia? I know how to deal with them, ok? I deal with them all the time. I love them. They're tough. But I'll be tougher. I am tougher. I know how to deal. No one's better. I wrote the book, literally, on the deal. The Art of the Deal, you've read it? Tremendous, right? No more of this reset stuff. I mean, a button? C'mon. Am I right? A button. Give me a break. So we'll be tougher and stronger and safer with Trump. I'll bring back pride in our flag. Look at that flag. Isn't it beautiful? The best. The Red White and Blue. That stands for Freedom and Liberty and so does Trump. That's how we make America Great Again (TM)."

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