
Tom Kattman · @TomKattman

26th Aug 2015 from TwitLonger

An open letter on behalf of humanity to Bryce Williams. #WDBJ #loser #fail

Dear Bryce, or Vester, or whatever you call yourself:

You lived as a loser and you killed and died as a loser. I’m sure you know that now. In fact, being in “everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels,” you must know that tonight beyond any possibility of evasion or mental gymnastics.

So I write this not for you but for us. I write this to say that decent people everywhere unite today in condemning your murders, and tomorrow will join, inasmuch as humanly possible, in forgetting you. Meanwhile, we will remember Alison Parker and Adam Ward not as your victims, but as the gifted and worthy people all but yourself knew them to be. Their loss leaves a void impossible to fill. Your loss leaves nothing but detestation, disgust, and shame.

You whined in your diatribe faxed to ABC News that the Charleston church shootings motivated you, but if you had been honest, you’d have had to admit that this was just a convenient excuse. Your admiration for the killers at Virginia Tech and Columbine gives the game away, much as your nonsensical claim that “Jehovah” told you to act does. But then we would expect such a lack of moral responsibility from a cowardly gunman like you, who found it sporting to shoot defenseless people in the back, including an interviewee who had no apparent prior contact with you. In that respect, you’re also essentially the same as Dylann Roof, whom you profess to despise, since both of you targeted the innocent. And indeed you are worse, since Roof’s hate for his victims lasted until he had murdered them, but your hatred endured even after you had killed, posting your wicked deeds on social media so that you could continue striking the reputations of your prey even after they were dead.

I have to wonder: Did this display of barbarism somehow make you feel like a man? Because, coward, it only underscores the weak, threatened, and unmanly nature of what you did.

For a self-described "human powder keg," your explosion shed blood, but was otherwise pathetic. And I'm entirely sure that while their blood cried out to God from the ground (Gen. 4:10), yours when you took the coward’s way out simply stained and befouled the crime scene, giving investigators an awful mess to clean up. There was no pity to be extended, and no nobility, dignity, or goodness in your death, except for the rough justice inherent in a bloody murderer having his own life cut short.

You wrote, “But when I leave this Earth, the only emotion I want to feel is peace.” When you met eternity for the first time, and realized not only that peace was not going to be yours but only eternal damnation and hell fire, I wonder how that made you feel? What terror gripped your soul when the true Jehovah—not the mythical one you invented to give you cover for your craven actions—handed down the sentence “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire” (Matt. 25:41)! What infinite despair when you sank into those torments that will be with you for all eternity! How Satan must have laughed when the flames swallowed your unrepentant heart and when you found out with perfect certainty that “no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him” (1 John 3:15)!

While life was yours, how gladly would Jesus have submerged the flames of your hatred in the peace that comes only from His blood—a peace that, incidentally, those Charleston parishioners whose killing angered you knew so well. But you rejected that. And now there is nothing for you but “the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone” (Rev. 21:8). There is nothing of your legacy but two broken families in pain tonight because you decided your grievances of racism and bullying merited the killing of other people. And indeed wouldn’t it be sadly ironic if some fiend-in-training—maybe another racist like yourself or Dylann Roof, maybe just an everyday mental case—used your actions as justification for his own future bloodshed? That would be of course another reason for all humanity to curse the day you were born and the fact that you even existed.

You chose hatred and murder and for all time to come you will be married to the consequences. Meanwhile, we pray the peace you wrongly demanded for yourself be given instead to the families and loved ones of Alison Parker and Adam Ward. And despite the violence you tried to sow today even beyond the murders of your victims, making their final moments and dying screams an entertainment for the sick and the ignorant, we will not give you the last word. Instead, we will do all we can to efface your very name from the world’s memory, and where we cannot, to make it a byword that is only spoken with disgust and loathing. Humanity, from whom you divorced yourself everlastingly today, holds you forevermore in contempt, and speaking for only myself, when I think of how the dying agonies you broadcast with pride will lurk in some dark corners of the Internet forever, I will take some solace in the fact that you will be receiving your due reward for the same amount of infinite time.

You fail, loser, and now mankind is going to lose you. I’m sure I don’t have to ask if it was all worth it. You know now that it wasn’t, but it’s too late.

RIP, Alison and Adam.

Tom Kattman

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