[TRANS] Jaejoong's letter to Yuchun & Junsu at 2015 JYJ Membership Week FM

To. Two of MY PEOPLE
Read this letter, my members.
How are you. I am doing fine. Military service really depends on your perspective of things. It's tolerable if you think positively, and really hard if you are pessimistic. But, it's really okay. Seriously. Butㅜㅜ duty is so hard..
Yuchun will be enlisted on 27th, right? Fighting to you, you will have great time as a trainee. And Junsu, you should make a lot of memories before enlisting next year.

After I enlisted, I realized that it was wrong to think that 2 years of my life would be wasted. It would make cherishable things more cherishing, and deepest thoughts, even deeper. It's like reading many books, meeting and talking to different people. And you start to cherish the memories that come back as you tell our own story, too. (A week) before enlisting, Kyung-Gu hyung came over to music video shooting and told me many things about the military. One of the things he said was, "Jaejoong, think of the military service as repaying the debt you owe to this country you were born." I think that makes sense. Because I was born in this country, I was able to meet you two and the fans who love us. I will work hard to repay this debt during the rest of my military service. It's really worth it when I think about it this way.

I don't worry about you two.
I know that as long as we keep trusting and relying on each other, we will be together for life.
You are the two people I respect the most.
You are the two people who warm up my heart the most.
You are the two people who are the most decent.
You two are the reason I live.
Let us be happier in the future. You two make hyung's world worth living in♥
And I never use red hearts to men.

Original KRN:
To. 내 사람 둘
나의 멤버들 보라.
잘 지내는가. 형은 잘 지낸다. 군생활은 생각하기 나름이라 긍적으로 생각하면 할 만하고 비관적으로 생각하면 아주 힘들어. 근데 진짜 할만해. 진짜. 근데ㅜㅜ 근무가 너무 힘들어..
우리 유천이는 27일 입소지? 훈련병때가 제일 재밌으니 화이팅하고 우리 준수는 내년 입대인데 가기전에 많은 추억 만들어.

들어와보니 2년이 내 인생에 없어진다는 생각은 틀린 생각이더라. 소중하면 더 소중하게 깊은 마음은 더욱 깊고 푸르게 만들어 줄 수 있겠더라. 다양한 사람들과 만나며 이야기를 들어보면 직접 사람에게 수많은 책을 전해 들은 것 같아. 내 이야기를 하면서도 문득 떠오르는 기억들이 소중해지고 말야. 입대 전(일주일전) 신곡 뮤비 촬영장에 경구형이 놀러와서 군대에 대한 이야기를 하다가 "재중아 이 나라에 대한민국에 태어난데 빚갚는다 생각하고 군복무 잘해라"라고 하셨는데 참 맞는 이야기야. 이 나라에 태어나 너희를 만나고 우리를 사랑해주는 팬분들도 만나게 된거니까 형은 남은 군복무 기간동안 힘내서 나라 빚 잘 갚을게. 이렇게 생각하면 아주 할만하군.

난 너희 걱정은 전혀 안돼. 우리가 믿고 의지했던 그마음 그대로라면 평생 함께 할거니까. 내안에 가장 존경하는 사람 둘
내안에 가장 따뜻한 사람 둘. 내안에 가장 인간다운 사람 둘. 그래서 내가 산다. 우리 더 행복하자. 니들때문에 형이 살만하다♥ 남자한테 빨간하트 잘 안하는데 말이지

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