
Jisoo · @jisooxx

19th Aug 2015 from TwitLonger

to ForvxctoRi

So........... A celebration to the second twenty we've been through! Woohoo!
First of all, lots of apologies coming from me....for not being in your vision and replying your chats for like..... I can't even count the days. I'm an ignorant bitch and I know that because I've heard that a lot. No wonder I lose friends way too easily (ya kok jadi baper). But really, I didn't intend to become that way even a single bit. It's just that I got lots of things to do under my belt and I suck at managing my time so.........
Aaaand let's go to the main topic! You may wonder what is this. Okay so, this is my gift (and a form of apology too) to our second mensiversary. I choose 20 (our lucky strike) songs out of my long list of all-time favorite songs, in no particular order. If you happen to hear the song for the first time, I highly recommend them because they're so gooood!! (At least for my taste)
And of course I didn't just randomly picked out the songs. Each of them had something meaningful that sometimes I can relate to our relationship. So, take a listen and enjoy!
I really had this urge to type more, but I had something going on now, literally as I type this. Really, I didn't intend this because I thought today'd be a peaceful day. I'm sorry.

((This was supposed to be posted on the description but yea))

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