Woshige's EVO2015 Memories Compilation Translation

Original Tweets:

1. I was invited by @St1ckBuG for winning KSB. My performance during the tournament involved many aspect of luck. I wasn't too sure if I can impress everyone, but I wanted to give back to everyone as a thank you so I did my best communicating and playing with the foreign players.

2. I can't speak English so unfortunately I could only say simple 'hellos', but playing with the foreign players and watching them have fun playing was a great sight.

3. Tournament wise I am regretful of my mistake, but I had to laugh it off (^ ^;). Usually it will affect the matches afterwards, but thanks to other players and the crowd cheering me on I was able to stay strong and get 3rd place.

4. Of course I wanted to get 1st place, but I wasn't able to prepare as much as I liked due to work, and I know how much time and practice the others have put in to win, so really I can't be salty about it, and I feel like I got more than what I deserve.

5. During this trip I was reminded that I can't ever let go of fighting game from my life, and even without speaking the same language the fact that you can communicate with others through a common interest is a fantastic thing and I really want more people to know about it.

6. From the bottom of my heart I'm really glad I participated in this year's EVO. Not because of results, but because of the experience and communication that can't be relayed by watching videos. It may not be cheap, but if you love fighting game you should definitely go.

8 (he missed 7). Shoutouts to @St1ckBuG for inviting me, and thanks to everyone's support I was able to be part of a fantastic event that brought new view in my life. Again, thank you all for making EVO2015 a great time for me.

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