
설렘 · @sullaem

11th Jul 2015 from TwitLonger

[instagram] 150711 @.jonghyun.948:

i live life by the notion that you shouldn’t give big reactions to small matters. and i believe that understanding the perspectives or thoughts of people who criticize my faults, and continuing to fix my incorrect ideas, is a fundamental part of life. the reason i am writing this is because as a man who has a mother and sister as his family, there’s word going around that i’m a misogynist or that i made comments belittling women. that isn’t true, and if i keep my mouth closed while knowing that such word is going around, some people may think of me as a misogynist or someone who made comments to belittle women and i’ll become cemented as that kind of person; but that would be far too grave of a matter for my life, and it would leave behind an indelible stain.

i’m not a misogynist, and i have never made comments belittling women.

i’m communicating like this because if my comments made anyone uncomfortable, i would like to exactly know which part it was. i said that women are a blessed existence while discussing music on radio, and to follow, i will put up the related remarks on sns.

i don’t know how to connect the remarks in question on instagram, so i will put them up on twitter.


t/n - this particular sentence — “i’m communicating like this because if my comments made anyone uncomfortable, i would like to exactly know which part it was” — has the danger of coming across as defensive or accusatory in english. however, written in korean, jonghyun uses deferential wording that makes his tone sound cautious and self-effacing. he says “exactly know” in the sense of “knowing / understanding with precision.”

* please do not edit my translation

* please do not take without translator’s notes

* please do not take without credit

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