
Amanda · @amanda_elyse88

28th Jun 2015 from TwitLonger

supernatural Friends book for Jared and Jensen - more info

Supernatural Friends Book for Jared and Jensen

This project is for those of us who have made friends through our mutual love of Supernatural. I'm sure there are many people who are so grateful for this! I know I am!! i met my BFF when i had no friends and from there i just made more! i can’t thank them enough for that!

I don't think it has been done before and it's something that's very dear to me. Because of Supernatural, many of us have made lifelong friends. I would like to gather photos of people who are now friends because of Supernatural! It can be photo ops or just fun pics with you and your Supernatural friends.

Make sure the photos are high quality, not edited so they don't come out clear enough. iPhone photos should be okay, if the photo is bad like not higher enough quality I will email you.
Photo op jpgs are great because they are hi-res.

lets say you have 4 great friends
You are person A - person A has 4 friends named B,C,D, and E
person A can choose B and C
and D could choose person A and so cold person E
i just need person D and E to email me
so out of that friendship would be 2 emails make sense?
i hope so! Lol

Email your photos to
Just do me a favor and tweet me that you are planning on emailing me cause some of it sadly goes to junk mail.
There is a limit of two photos per person but if you need more, just let me know. Make sure you include the names of everyone in the photos and where you’re from. Deadline to send in the photos is August 1.

I will be paying to publish the book but if you’d like to donate a dollar or two, that would be much appreciated. You can send it via PayPal to
If there are more donations than the cost of the book, all overages will be donated to Attitudes in Reverse.

I will be giving the book to Jared and Jensen at the New Jersey convention in September.
Thanks again and any questions feel free to ask!
Thanks :)

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