
FaZe Enable · @enable_

16th Jun 2015 from TwitLonger

Okay, so to keep this as short as possible it's obvious that the new FaZe roster consists of Zooma, Clayster, Attach, and myself. After having back-to-back 2nd place finishes I had no intentions of making a roster change and neither did Tommy. We recently found out that Slasher & Huke were considering leaving our team. Once we found out that they weren't 100% committed to staying together Tommy and I began to have our doubts on staying with the same roster. Logically it doesn't seem like a smart decision to make a team change especially after our recent placings, but we feel like moving forward knowing that we had teammates considering leaving would only cause our team to stop progressing. This ended up putting us in a very tough place, but ultimately leaded us to picking up Clayster and Attach. This move had nothing to do with skill both Slasher and Huke are amazing players, Huke is arguably a top 3 player in this game. I know this may come as a surprise, but just understand that things happen behind the scenes that the community doesn't know about.

I wish @FaZeHuke and @FaZeSlxsher the best of luck I know they will find great teams depending on what they plan on doing. Also @Clayster will be the new Captain of @FaZeClan moving forward.

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