有關 6 月 5 日(星期五)錦上路站附近發現狗隻一事 A dog was found near Kam Sheung Road on 5/Jun(Fri)

早於 0556 時,一列不載客離廠列車的車長,在錦上路站 1 號月台附近,發現一狗隻在逃生棧道的底下,離行駛中的列車一段距離

控制中心隨即指示尾隨的離廠列車,以不高於 22 kph 的速度行駛,並讓錦上路站的職員,登上駕駛室搜索狗隻,但未有發現

職員另於 0625、0835 時,登上其他列車搜索,同樣未有發現

至 0920 時,一列往紅磡列車,在駛入錦上路站月台時,車長指懷疑有狗隻在車尾逃生棧道底下。在確認沒有撞倒狗隻後,控制中心授權列車以慢速離站,以便車站職員確認狗隻是否於月台範圍,但告無果

隨後,所有南行列車均以不高於 22kph 的速度行駛,但沒有車長發現狗隻的蹤影

愛護動物協會 及 漁護署分別在接報 3 小時後到場,並於錦上路 - 元朗站改為單綫行車後,徒步找尋狗隻。最後於錦上路站往屯門方向的路軌,發現狗隻屍體,並由署方人員帶出


At 0556 hours, a Train Captain on an empty train leaving depot found a dog straying under the evacuation walkway within a distance from moving trains

The Operations Control Centre subsequently instructed the next train leaving the depot to proceed at a speed not higher than 22 km/h and allowing the staff from Kam Sheung Road station to board the cab for searching the dog

Staff joined other trains at 0625 and 0835 hours respectively and found no dogs

At 0920 hours, a Train Captain said he/she suspected a dog appearing under the evacuation walkway near the rear portion of his/her train. The Operations Control Centre then authorised the train to leave the platform at dead slow clarifying the train didn't hit the suspected dog. This is to enable station staff to check if the dog was straying at platform tracks

All following southbound trains were operated at a speed not higher than 22 kph while no Train Captain saw the dog

SPCA and AFCD arrived at the scene 3 hours after upon receipt of the report and they carried out foot patrol once single line movement was implemented between Kam Sheung Road and Hung Hom. Finally, the carcass was found at Tuen Mun-bound tracks near Kam Sheung Road and then conveyed away by Government personnels

No scratch mark was found on underneath equipments which was related to the dog

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