
David Steel · @DaSteelManX

11th Jun 2015 from TwitLonger

#McCann - GoFundMe concerns

Many will know, I have a bee in my bonnet about funds & charities in general, especially relating to CEO salaries and the percentage of the donation going to the cause.

I think the Go Fund Me idea was a brilliant one set up Leanne Baulch and it's a remarkable phenomenon what has happened over recent weeks. This is not an attack on anyone. However, there are questions to be asked:

1) Leanne stated that the PJGA bank account details would be linked to the Go Fund Me account - I find it extremely difficult to comprehend why a simple screenshot of the bank sort code can't be shown. This would take one minute and would give many people reassurance.

2) We have heard no direct comment from Goncalo Amaral on the Go Fund Me account.

3) We have no 100% proof that Goncalo Amaral will be indeed appealing.

4) We have no specific details of how the fund money will be spent.

5) We have no idea how much money Goncalo Amaral has or doesn't have.

6) None of us know Goncalo Amaral from Adam.

7) Why are people suddenly asking for refunds?

8) Why is the organiser of the fund telling me to ask PJGA about the bank details of the Go Fund Me account? PJGA arn't running the Go Fund Me ... so Leanne is suggesting others are ... who?

9) I would have no problem if the bank details were NOT that of PJGAs, I just want to know which person or organisation is receiving the funds, funds of which pensioners and people with little money have donated.

Many people are asking these questions, 'anti', 'pro' or 'independent'. The easiest question of all is 1) and it could be answered in seconds with a screenshot.

For the record, I have a million and one questions for the Official Find Madeleine Fund too and about charities in general.

These are my thoughts. Thank you.

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