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Adam Lambert: „I drink a lot of coffee“

US-Popstar Adam Lambert was in Berlin today to promote his new record „The Original High“ which will be released on Friday over here.

At a side-trip to Radio Energy the 33-year-old spoke about the theme of his third album. „We are all looking for Happiness in our lives. But it has different meanings for all of us. The album is about all those things that can make you happy, just like love, success, power, adventure, sex or partys.“

Queen Guitar Player Brian May also worked on the album with him and it wasn’t difficult to convince him to do so: „We’ve been on tour together and I had this song and just asked him „Brian, what du you say, do you think you could play on that track?“ He liked it and agreed immediately.

Adam Lambert also revealed what he consumes to feel good: „I love caffeine. I drink a lot of coffee. Sometimes Energy-Drinks. This isn’t good if you drink it on a regular basis, but it helps if you’re really exhausted.“


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