
Stixxay · @Stixxay

4th Jun 2015 from TwitLonger

First off, I want to apologize to CLG Black as they receive the worst end of this for not being able to use me for the NACS qualifiers vs C9T. As for who they'll be using is undecided right now, but the chances of them making it is significantly lowered because they don't have a very large pool of players to pick from, and that all ends up with my mistake.

As for my ban, some might be surprised because I don't really talk too much on my main account, but I would occasionally troll or say dumb things on smurfs to get a yip out of people. That's pretty much what leads to my ban. So a PSA for all NACS/Challenger players (I know there are many that do the same thing) don't troll anymore on smurf accounts, it will catch up to you.

I would usually only play my anonymous account with close friends and we'd troll and say immature things to others, not realizing the effect it had on the other players. In the immediate future I'll continue to work on my general behavior on any account I am playing on, and behave as is expected of me, like I should've to begin with.

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