
John Stevens · @pzj_1

3rd Jun 2015 from TwitLonger

Freedom of Information request to Greater Glasgow Health Board

Under freedom of information the following has been requested from The Greater Glasgow NHS Board.

Please may I request under the freedom of Information the following.


From this document from the sale of Lennoxtown to Celtic PLC it outlines why you would accept not putting Lennoxtown on the open market.

This is what you stated for this to occur 'when it was proved there is explicit agreement between the property adviser and the independent valuer that an ''off market'' sale will deliver a clear advantage over an open market sale'.

Now the Property Adviser said this https://footballtaxhavens.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/pollock-buchan-comment-developers.png

And the Independent Valuer said this https://footballtaxhavens.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/inglis-comment.png

In both these accounts there is no mention that the ''off market'' sale will deliver a clear advantage over an open market sale.

Please can you now outline and provide full details under freedom of information what explicit agreement between the Property Adviser and the Independent Valuer was agreed upon that made this sale have the advantage of an off market purchase rather than being exposed to its full potential on an open market purchase.

Please could you provide all documents relating to this agreement and how all parties justified this transaction based on your own guidelines.

John Stevens

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