[Trans] Haru*Hana Vol.30: GOT7 - MY TYPE SELECTION: Mark

~ I will tell you all about my liking!! ~

マーク 1994/4/9

"My style is to silently comfort a girl when she's crying."

1. What would you do if you went into a haunted house with a girl?

(✔️) Get frightened together
( ) Try to act like not scared at all

➡︎ Because I'm scared too (laughs).

2. What food do you want your parner to bring to you on a date?

( ) Norimaki (rice crackers wrapped in roasted seaweed)
(✔️) Sandwiches

➡︎ I like sandwich.

3. What would you do if you saw a girl crying?

( ) Make her smile
(✔️) Silently comfort her

➡︎ This way is more like my style, maybe.

4. What is your action toward someone you like?

(✔️) Confess to her
( ) Make her confess to me

➡︎ As a man you have to confess first.

5. Your choice when the group has different suggestions for lunch menu?

(✔️) I will eat what I like
( ) Go along with others' opinions

➡︎ I will just buy my favorite with my own money.

6. Would you share your distress/problem with the members if you had one?

(✔️) I would talk with them
( ) I wouldn't

➡︎ Recently I've started to share my problems with the others.

7. Which would you choose if you were going to have matching things with the members?

(✔️) Accessories
( ) Smartphone case

➡︎ Because I like accessories.

8. What would be done if a member were late for an appointment?

( ) Batsu-game (game played as a form of punishment) such as forcing him to entertain us/make us pleased
(✔️) Having him buy us sweets/candy

➡︎ Because I have already seen those things a lot daily.

9. What will you choose to do when all the members gather to play together?

( ) Sports
(✔️) Games

➡︎ I'm really into games recently!

10. Which side do you want to be in surprise events between members?

(✔️) The one who prepares it
( ) The one who receives it

➡︎ I don't like being the one getting prepared surprise for.

11. Have you ever borrowed or lent other members clothes?

(✔️) Yes
( ) No

➡︎ I always let BamBam borrow my things.

12. What would you do on a date?

(✔️) Go to amusement park
( ) Go shopping

➡︎ Seems like we can have lots of fun there.

13. Which would you choose if you were going to bring your date to watch a sport game?

(✔️) A soccer match
( ) A baseball match

➡︎ Because there are a lot more movements in soccer than in baseball, I'm interested in soccer more.

14. What do you prefer your partner to wear on a date?

( ) Dress
(✔️) Skinny jeans

➡︎ Maybe skinny jeans are better than dress.

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