[NEWS/TRANS] 150521 Choa: 'Originally isn't someone who's sexy which is why..'

Choa: 'Originally isn't someone who's sexy which is why I'm always working really hard'

On the episode of Radio Star which was aired on the 20th, Choa said 'I had always dreamed of being an artist. I'm originally someone who do not belong to the sexy category which is why I'm always working really hard (to make up for that).'

She also added later on in the show 'As I'm the lead vocal, there are multiple concepts (so that I would stand out) but yellow suits me the most.' 'The members (of AOA) do not like to dye their hair as it [dying of hair] is really damaging to the hair.'

(In the show) Choa has also showed various poses, showcasing her refreshing charms.

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Source: http://www.weibo.com/2482557597/CiLljCNoh?type=comment#_rnd1432179491331
Translated by: nic.nicholas @ Piece Of Heaven

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