After and

Egandír brings news of a dwarf come to the coastal village.

@Gyrfalconsheart @SilmarilNaro @LordoftheReach ‏@SonofDari


Egandír had been debating with himself whom to approach with this matter, or if to say anything at all. The Searider settlements often drew in strange wanderers and this one might not be any different. Yet, there was something on this one that rubbed him the wrong way. And Egandir had learned to trust his intuition when it came to dangers. He knew if he want to Lord Cáno with this he'd end up with a slightly humorous if friendly advice that he was being paranoid and over-protective, the latter a trait her Ladyship might misunderstand. Going directly to Lord Maitimo was out of the question, as it would indicate that Egandír questioned Lord Cáno's right to rule. Ridiculous as that sounded, it would be what people would read into his actions, in spite of his previous choices. So the brothers were out of question.

One of the Ladies, then? He considered it. The Queen would probably listen, tell him to keep an eye out for that stranger and that she trusted him to deal with the dwarf if he proved to be a problem. If he insisted too much and her mood was good she might tell him that he was being a mother-hen... which was about the result he'd get from her husband. Lady Lossanárë was very close to Lord Maitimo and thus out of the question, which left Lady Elenaria - Kizár. She had chose to make her home amongst dwarrow. She might know more than any of the others and approaching her would be less complicated. She might also be able to bring her brother Kíli in on it, and the dwarven Prince might know what this stranger was about.

With this in mind Egandír inquired with the guards where Lady Kizár might be found, and was told on where to turn. He followed up the pathway that led to the mighty bedrock that formed the "horn" of Himring Island and allowed for a magnificent view on the far off coast.


Kizár stood, balancing on one foot as she had been advised by Cáno as training to improve her balance as a starting exercise in her training. It was something she had to take time doing in both forms, since while she thought of Elenaria more as her "battle form", there would be times she would be caught unaware as a dwarf and should be able to handle herself while shorter and stouter.

Being out here also helped her attune to the elements and frankly, was a very nice view. The bedrock of the Horn had a fairly strong sense of the Deep Stone in it, while the sea was not far away. It was because she was listening to the Deep Stone that she knew of Egandír's approach, the Stone having been telling her what it knew of the movements of the people of the island.

She looked up at Egandír and smiled. "How are you today, Captain?"


Egandír bowed to her. "I am well, my Lady. Who could not be on a day the sea graces us her most sunny side?" He wondered what the sea felt for her - she being the sister of fire and maybe of stone. "How about yourself? You seem to enjoy the outer edges of the Island."


"The sound of the waves is a thing that helps me find calm, and between that and the stone of the island and the open sky above, well it helps me feel more of a sense of how everything fits together and how I fit in it all. That kind of understanding is something Cáno has said is a good thing to develop, for many reasons, including combat training," Kizár said as settled back onto both feet and idly rolled her shoulders.


"A wise man told me a long time ago, that as long as we could love the world, and it would bring us, the good and the bad, the luck and the pain... as long as we could still love the world and look forward to the next sunrise, we'd never lose our roots in Arda nor fade into the dream." Egandír said, sitting down on one of the rocks, his feet almost close enough for the water to touch them. "I wish I had only come here to contemplate the beauty of the world, Lady Kizár," he said after a moment. "unfortunately, there is something else, that has me worried. Is it possible that you were followed on your journey back from Erebor?"


Kizár tilted her head in thought as she too took a seat, thinking over the journey. "We were staying on watch after we left the mountain, all the way to Imladris as Losá and I had our concerns about the people of Mirkwood not letting go of their belief they should *own* one or both of us, but we saw no evidence of anyone... and again we kept an eye out going to Ost-In-Edhil... but in that case we did find some who had followed us and Shangraile managed to talk him around to not challenge our right to take Telpë when we left, that was an Easterling by the name of Jircanor and he was headed back towards the Misty Mountains last we saw... And then there were the Rangers on the borders of the Shire who wanted to hold us up, though I thought they had accepted that we were no danger to the Hobbits."


Egandír shook his head. "If any Mirkwood elf asked the wrong questions about you and your sisters, my Lady, he'd already sleep at the bottom of the sea." he replied dryly. "And neither Easterling nor Ranger is my problem. It is a dwarf who came to our settlement a few days ago. A warrior-bard, and a strange one. He speaks our tongue well enough to not offend and is good with his harp... but there is something about him, that makes me wary. He listens too well to the talk in the settlement and when asked why he came west, he will say that it is about an ancestor who once journeyed to the icy islands or some such."


"A dwarf...?" Kizár went over what Egandír told of the dwarf. "Offhand the only dwarves who might currently understand Quenya, besides Kíli, would be someone of the Reach, as most who do learn Elven go more for Sindarin, since it is the most used on the mainland..." She looked up with a questioning frown. "Was he blond? Young or old?"


"Yes, he was blond, that is what makes him stand out. There are few dwarves about with almost golden hair. And he is young - adult yes, but no older than 120 or so, I should think. He speaks Quenya rather well, and is certainly not shy about using it. When one of ours tested him, pointing out that the use of the tongue was outlawed by Thingol, he just said: "What should I care for the laws of a long dead King, who held no claim on my ancestor's loyalties. Let him have his rest and his laws, for I shall keep neither."


That made Kizár giggle in amusement. "I do believe I know who it is, and think he might have come because of Maitimo, though I truly doubt he has any ill intent, unless he wants to hit Maitimo for leaving the mountain so quickly," she said, though she thought privately it could have been one of the other Dragonblooded, but she doubted it. "I believe it is Kíli's cousin, Dári, son of Skar, more often known as Belfion or Fion. He grew up under Maitimo's mentor-ship and I had the impression at Erebor they were very close friends."


"Fion, that is the name he is using," Egandir replied. "so... if he were no danger to Lord Maitimo, why did he not seek passage to the isle, or an audience here?" It might have sounded strange, but after a message from the fortress the dwarf would have been brought across the strait.


"I truly am not sure, perhaps he was unsure of how welcome he would be, perhaps it is something we will have to ask Maitimo about, something only the two of them understand." Kizár moved to stand. "I would ask my brother about it and he could advise, and come meet Fion with us, perhaps Kíli as well, as another familiar face and family."


"I would be grateful if you could do so, my Lady." Egandír replied with a small smile. That way it would be a family matter, no matter how complicated. He rose to his feet. "I shall ensure that my ship is ready to leave port, whenever needed."


Egandír's way to the harbour was the same direction as the main Keep, so they walked together until they reached the side gate into the Keep and Kizár headed inside with a brief smile as Egandír went off on the path around. According to the habits Russandol was forming since they arrived, he would be spending some time in the main library around about now, reading some of the chronicles Cáno and Elenlossë had collected with versions of historical accounts they felt were more true to the Island Folk's view, things that recorded the tricky politics between the different Elven groups.

Kizár herself found the way some of those books were written quite fun to read, after so long trying to discern the truth from books derived from other sources.

She stepped into the room, looking about to see which corner her brother had curled himself up in. "Maitimo?"


Closing the book he had tried to read, Maitimo looked up when he heard Elenaria's voice nearby. His sister was often amused by the account of history these books held, and while Maitimo cared little what they said about him, he was getting frustrated at the many other gaps in those pages, things no one had paid attention to. "Kizár," like so often he called her by her chosen name, when she appeared in her dwarven form. He rose, to guide her towards an aisle, where they both might sit. "was there something I could do for you? If your brother vanished again for days at a time, to debate with Airon, I will have a word with the both of them." Encountering the number of crafters that had survived here, meant that Kíli was like a cat in the pantry... and sometimes overstrained himself with the lessons.


Kizár grinned at the mention of Kíli's preoccupation with the arcane smiths here on Himring and on some of the other islands. "Well I might want to drag him away from that for a while, but something has come up that appears to be more your concern," she answered as she settled into one of the comfortable armchairs. "Egandír has an issue that has come up on the mainland, someone who has followed us here from Erebor... or more likely has followed *you* here, as it sounds like it is Fion."


Fion, the mention of the name made Ru's hand wander to the leather band with the icy crystal he wore around his neck. For all his decision to leave and to leave Fion so he could finally have a life of his own, he had not taken the icy crystal off. "Are you sure it is him?" he asked, making an effort to sound calm and not very surprised. "a blond dwarf might as well be Fíli finally realizing how badly he treated his younger brother before we departed."


"Egandír told me he was a youngish blond warrior-bard with a good command of Quenya and a disregard of Thingol's law. Egandír also said he made a reference to an ancestor who journeyed to icy islands, but I don't personally understand the reference," Kizár related back what the captain had told her. "He is also using the name 'Fion', so unless it is someone deliberately borrowing the name, I would think it is him."


"One of Fion's ancestors was a warrior from the Reach who died in the far North, trying something heroic... and ultimately doomed." Maitimo replied, they had talked of such things in long nights, and while Fion's clan had lived on the other side of the world, it was not without it's own links to the things that had shaped Maitimo's life. "He... I thought he'd find a new home at Erebor now. Especially as King Thorin seemed overjoyed to meet Dári's nephew."


"Perhaps Fion feels he has a stronger connection to who he grew up knowing than a dwarf who looks at him and sees his lost best friend... and unfortunately Thorin is very prone to do so," Kizár did not continue the thought but it floated in the forefront of her thoughts the feeling that Thorin's attitude towards Kíli seemed to her that he would have preferred another child of Dári than the son he was not admitting to being father to.


"While Thorin certainly would be prone to see his lost best friend in Fion - for he resembles Dári in some ways quite strongly - I also believe that a blood relative of Dári would be very welcome in Thorin's court." Maitimo replied, averting his eyes. Fion's coming here might have little to do with a mentor, or foster-father of any sort. Both were terms that did not really apply any more. He could see Kizár's frown though. "There seems to be a deeper problem regarding Thorin and his house?"


Kizár grimaced a little at the question. "I have come to feel in recent years that Thorin acts like Kíli can do no right and Fíli can do no wrong. Even before Dís told us the truth about Kíli's parentage, I felt Thorin was being somewhat unfair and expecting too much considering Kíli was his second heir, and also blatantly failing to see that Kíli was maturing in his behavior," the memory of the little scene the night on the quest where Kíli had teased Bilbo about orcs came to mind. "I remember saying something to Kíli about how Thorin seems to expect him to be a copy of Dári, and between how he acted when he found out about Fion and the truth of Kíli's birth... well I may be over-thinking it, but right now my thoughts about Thorin are a shade harsh."


"Some men, or dwarves... or even elves, make better foster-fathers than fathers for their own blood." Maitimo replied thoughtfully. "It is not an excuse, but something I've come to learn over the years. "And sometimes the wish to have someone back, can be overwhelming and cause someone to act harsher than he should, It does not make it easier for Kíli to realize that he may never be good enough for his own father." Maitimo shook his head, dwarves could be many things, stubborn and infuriating, passionate and loyal, and overall they had a fire, a warmth in their hearts that could even reach a cold elven soul. "My... my leaving might have appeared harsh to Fion as well." he finally admitted.


"So the question is will you come to see him?" Kizár asked. "I know I do not know him beyond speaking to him a few times at Erebor, but for him to make the journey from there to here, I doubt he is going to simply turn around and go back without at least speaking to you." She realised whatever was between Maitimo and Fion was for the two of them to work out and she could only observe politely.


Maitimo rose walking up to the window. "You will think me a coward," he said softly. "though I would prefer you to be the one to speak to him first. I know once he is here, and once he says he is going to stay, no matter how complicated that might be... I will not have the heart to tell him to leave again. And that would be selfish in more than one way."


"I can do that, if you wish it, though I doubt I have much in the way of good reason to turn him away either, and if I do not then I truly doubt Elenlossë would either, and she would have the final word on anything on the island." Kizár stood to step over to the window next to Maitimo. "Though I should take a moment to speak to her and let her know before I head out, and I would like to see if Kíli will come with us."


"Your sister's approval would truly be needed," Maitimo agreed. "though I can say for sure that Fion has learned to control what was done to him long ago." And none of his later slip-ups had been dangerous. It was another reason why Maitimo felt that Thorin's protection would be good for Fion, it would ensure Fion had a place among his people. "Kizár..." he hesitated. "thank you. I... it is not that I do not want to see Fion again, but I feel that he should not feel that he has to keep to a promise his father asked of him before he died, or that he should feel obliged to follow me."


"You're welcome, I do have a fondness for acting as a voice of reason at times," Kizár said, slipping an arm around his. She would have taken his hand if she were standing on his left, but she was on his right, so resorted to what she could. "Besides, have you considered that perhaps he cares enough about you that it is not solely because of a promise that he follows you? That may be a reason that can be easily put into words, but emotions can run far deeper."


Maitimo raised his healthy hand and gently pushed a dark streak of hair from her face. "I know," he replied. "Kizár... I am not blind, and I was not blind in the past," he wondered how he could explain to her, how much he dared to admit. "but that makes it not right for Fion to tie his life to me." And by now Fion too had grown and might view his own feelings different than a few years ago.


"Tying his life to you? Is it truly that serious then?" The way he said it made it sound like Fion would willingly bond himself to Maitimo, if Maitimo allowed it.


Again Maitimo's hand strayed to the crystal around his neck. "When Fion gave me this four years ago, he said he knew that I might never accept the pledge of one not of my race, or of one not being Findekáno, but that he'd be with me, as long as I'd allow him to." Back then he had begun to realize that Fion had outgrown the crush of his youth but it had not faded, it had grown into the love of a grown man, of a warrior who well knew he might not be loved back the same way.


"And you have the heart to tell him to leave again..." Kizár echoed his words, her voice falling into a whisper. "You love him, but you fear hurting him..." It prompted her to hug him impulsively.


Maitimo wrapped both arms around his sister, burying his face in her dark hair. He wished he had words, but even without them, she understood, she knew him like none other of his siblings ever had. "How could I hope that it would not end in hurts?" he asked after a while of just holding her. "and I... I do not want to do that to Fion. And yet... i would not have the strength to tell him to leave." Deep down he knew that slipping away without a word like he had done at Erebor was the only way he could have done it.


Kizár held him back, supporting him. "All you can do is try and face it. Even I am not sure I could, all I can do is be here to to help you through it." Only two relationships she had in Thedas had ever come anywhere close to something like this, and both of them Elenaria had held back from, knowing they were not her destiny. Here, now she knew Maitimo was in a different situation, one that did not have visions of destiny involved, only complicated emotions.


"You are wiser than I am, little Firestar." Maitimo agreed, knowing she was right. Still... he wondered if Fion should not have at least the chance to reconsider. Dwarves were very loyal in their commitments, but they also often had One true love and who knew when Fion might find his?


"Let's go then, I'll go let Elenlossë know if you could track down which workshop Kíli has camped himself in? Egandír said he was ready to sail at any time." Kizár leaned back to look up at him with a gentle smile.


Maitimo still hesitated. "Kizár... I do agree, and I will come with you. But... i would ask you to speak to him first. I will find out where Kíli is for you, though. I fear he will be buried in work somewhere." He hoped Kizár would explain to her brother, what all this was about.


"I will talk to Fion first, I promise," Kizár nodded, as they both turned towards the doors of the library. She gave his arm a gentle squeeze before she turn towards her sister's personal office in hopes of finding her there.


Kíli was actually exhausted enough to not mind the ship or the soft moving of the waves at all as he went aboard "Windrunner". Airon seemed to be a calmer mentor than many a dwarf he could name, he sympathised with Kíli's failures, praised his successes and then made him do it again and again and again, until he squeezed the very last drop of power out of him, before showing him that there was even some *more* he could work with. Not that Kíli minded the least - for all that he was learning from Airon, or Cerendír and the others, he'd have served a much sterner master if necessary. Still, he had gained a sharp glance from Maitimo as the elf-lord had come to retrieve him by orders of Kizár.

Looking around on the ship he did not see her yet, so he sat down on the planks in the sun to wait.


It took a guiding word from Elenlossë's handmaiden Geliriel to point Kizár in the right direction to where Elenlossë was going over some inter-island trade details with Narwafindë and a couple of others. To make it shorter and keep what was a personal matter confidential, Kizár had explained the situation to her sister through their bond, more in snatches of memory and emotion. It was a form of communication that could convey far more than words could and Elenlossë's agreement that Fion would be welcome on the island was fast granted.

Kizár now walked down the pier to the Windrunner, her overcoat on and the humble sword given to her by Dwalin in place at her hip. Not that she believed there was danger to be found in the mainland harbour, but she felt better knowing she had it with her.

Once one the ship it was easy to spot Kíli and she went over to sit by his side and Egandír called for his crew to set sail.


Kíli pulled in his legs to stand up and walked to Kizár, greeting his sister with a small hug. "Did something happen?" he asked her. "Maitimo seemed a bit... strange, when he pulled me from Airon's workshop and told me to meet you here." He asked.


"Egandír brought notice that there is someone in Aearlond who followed us here from Erebor... or more to the point he followed Maitimo here," Kizár answered. "It's Fion, and it has Maitimo... unsettled." She moved to a bench out of the path of the sailors. The voyage to the Searider port would take a while.


"Fion came after your brother?" Kíli sat down beside the bench, looking up at Kizár. "I noticed that he was not there when we left, but assumed that his time of service to the Lord of the Dragonforge had ended with said Lord's departure. Especially as Thorin was very happy to see Dári's family had partially survived the carnage."


"I believe we once observed there is a great deal of attachment between those two," Kizár spoke, trying to keep her words discreet. "It seems that there is a lot more going on between them than merely service or friendship, though Maitimo tried to let him go..."


Kíli's eyes widened, recalling their conversation on the topic. "So there truly was more." He observed. "And your brother tried to let him go... did he really think he could out-stubborn a dwarf?"


"Ahh, he was trying to give Fion the freedom to find another path, one with other dwarves," Kizár grinned wryly, as she did agree with the sentiment Kíli implied. "He does not believe he could give Fion what he deserves and wanted to make a clean break, I don't even think he can yet let himself think that perhaps Fion's heart is already set, that he already has found his One."


Kíli smiled, reaching up to place a hand on his sister's arm. "Sometimes I do wonder," he said with a small smile. "if being shy about affection is something that runs in your family." He peered over to Maitimo who stood astern, at a good distance from them. "I wonder why he is so much in denial though..."


"We also have a great tendency to blame ourselves first and believe ourselves not worthy," Kizár added wryly. "I do think Thedas knocked that out of both my sisters and I, and Elenlossë did some damn good work to cure Cáno of it, but Maitimo still has a plentiful dose of it."


"Maybe you saw in Thedas how easy it is to lose what we love and how often blame is not a thing to hug too much." Kíli titled his head slightly. "So we better help your brother to cure the same tendency a bit?" He squeezed her hand. "You have my help, as much as I can be of use here."


"Between you, me and Fion, I hope to see him get past it, yes," Kizár said as she squeezed back. She looked out past the bow, towards their destination for a moment. "I think Cáno's advise on attuning myself to all the elements helps a great deal with seasickness, I do not feel as bad now as I was when we first arrived."


"That is true, you are not as pale as you were during our first crossing." Kíli agreed, having noticed that he too did feel better. "I think I am too drained to feel much of anything right now. But maybe being on the island itself, teaches me something about the surface, other aspects of the surface than I knew before."


"Like how stone and sea can work together in a less broken manner than it does in Cardemir," Kizár agreed with his sentiment. The hill that Himring once was did have some brokenness in it, but compared to the condition of the Deep Stone in the Ered Luin, it was in far better health. She did wonder if the Elves living on the islands had worked to help heal the Deep Stone the way they had healed the land so the sea's salt did not render it unable to grow any plants.


"I never truly knew the sea before coming here," Kíli replied, leaning back a bit, content to let the wind and the soft rocking of the ship just be. "and I think I am learning how to *be* in her presence." He tilted his head slightly, seeing that they were fast turning towards the mainland already. He smiled. "Let's go and find us a wandering dwarf."


Kizár leaned closer to rest her head on Kíli's shoulder as they watched the coast loom closer and closer. With her nausea under better control the voyage was reasonably pleasant and she wondered if she kept working on her attunement to world around if she could completely eliminate that minor disturbance that remained as well. Considering the time they would have here before they headed for Erebor again, she thought that would be something she could definitely make one of her training goals.


The blond dwarf was sitting on one of the rocks near shoreline just outside the village, watching the waves roll against the coast. Until an hour ago he had been chopping firewood for the elven bathhouse. Elves too cooked with fire it seemed and the owner of the house did not mind having someone doing the tedious wood-chopping for him. Simple work could get one rather far, or so Fion had found time and again on his journey.

When he had come here, he had seen a ship sail into harbor, probably one of the Himring sailors most likely. He had yet to make the right contact with one of them to find work aboard, but maybe he should wait until winter - once the sea froze and the first icebergs began to drift, the crossing should be much easier - and more unobserved.


The usual busy-work involved in bringing the ship into dock went on around them and soon tampered off as Egandír came over to guide them to one of the members of the village watch, who could let them know where Fion was currently located. The idea that the Reach dwarf was doing odd jobs around the place stuck Kizár as reminding her a lot of the years of traveling around as wandering smiths that Kíli, Fíli and Thorin had done through the recently ended exile.

They walked down the shoreline just beyond the village bathhouse, spotting the blond figure sitting on a small rock outcrop. Kizár studied him as they approached, admitting to herself that her brother had quite the good-looking suitor.

"Fion!" she called. "How very intriguing it is to find you here!"


While Fion had not had much of conversation with the ghostly sister of Prince Kíli, he recognized the voice at once. He had first heard deep inside Erebor when they had been on the hunt for the dragon and it was not a voice easy to forget. While it had the clear, strong quality that would fit a dwarf lady, it also had a musicality that was unique.

He rose to his feet and turned around, more than surprised to not encounter the pale form he had seen inside the mountain but a fully corporeal dwarf lady who would turn the heads of any dwarf within the next few hundred miles without even trying. "Lady Kizár," he replied, with a slight bow. "I must admit I had not expected to encounter you here."


"Though it was bound to happen at some point, as I was in no hurry to divide my path from my brother's, if circumstances allowed us to keep traveling together," Kizár answered with a warm smile. "I do presume you came in hopes of speaking to Maitimo, do you not?"


Fion smiled. "I did not presume you would. I meant that I would not expect a Lady of your station to be poking around behind Celeion's charming bathhouse." There was a touch of humour sparkling in his eyes. "And yes... I had hoped to find your brother."


"Well if there is one truth I have come to learn since arriving here, it is that the people of islands, be they Searider or Ñoldor, have a very strong network of communications to keep the various islands and mainland villages in contact and to keep the Lady of Himring well informed of her people's needs," Kizár spoke with her own amusement dancing in her tone. "Your presence was certainly not ignored and it only took a word to one of the sea captains for it to reach the Island. Given that you seemed more like a personal visitor and not an envoy or some questing fool following tales of shiny jewels, it seemed like a fair idea for a member of the family to come and see you, and I was not overly busy."


Fion chuckled. "If I were a questing fool, I would be very careful to hunt for jewels in vicinity to Himring Island," he replied amused. "and while I did not expect to go unnoticed, I certainly did not believe my staying here warranted the attention of the High Ladies straight away. Though your Sea captains are commendably distrustful on whom they bring across."


"Not all Sindar are as sensible as you are, or so my sister has told us. They only hear the word 'silmaril' and get dreams of Doriath in their heads." Kizár told him with a small grin, sarcastic observations of the Sindar always being something of a fond amusement of hers. "The Seariders here on the mainland act as a frontline guard against such folk. You on the other hand, while you roused curiosity, did not also rouse suspicion. In fact had you asked to have passage you would have been granted it with only a quick word sent to Elenlossë who is not against hosting a close friend of Maitimo's, and one both Kíli and myself could also speak for."

She took a step closer to the blond dwarf. "I have my own personal questions for you though, as a sister. What are your intentions towards Maitimo? Those of the long term, since I do think a bit of a smack for how he left Erebor might not go totally astray."


"I did not ask directly, as I was not sure how my arrival might be perceived." Fion replied. He had not intended to be a guest, but to cross over when he found a way to be on his own there and find out about the situation before making any other moves. Kizár's other question made him avert his eyes for a moment, then he invited her with a gesture to walk up to the rocks, where they could sit more easily. "My intentions towards your brother... depend much on what he wishes." Fion replied, his eyes going out to the sea. "While I was surprised that he left without a word, I quickly became aware of the pressure and danger he was under - be it from the Sindar, and maybe even from Thorin's ire. Though I assumed the Sindar were the main threat. So... I was not sure if his leaving meant he wished me to begone, or if his leaving meant that he had to protect you first. As Prince Kíli went with him, I assumed his House might know more... only to learn that family issues are always complex."


That caught Kizár's curiosity, making her frown in thought. "Did you at some point run across one of the elves of Lothlórien?" she asked, as that was the first thing to come to her mind from his words.


"Two times," Fion replied, looking at her. "The first time because I had strayed too far south and second up under the Mountains, with a lot of general trouble and Orcs involved."


"Then firstly I will say that I am glad you were able to get away from the orcs, as that is not something I would wish on anyone, even those who I have reason to dislike," Kizár said, a hand patting his shoulder lightly. "As for family issues, well that I do agree on. There has been issues between the different branches of the family of Finwë, issues not helped by actions that happened back in the First Age." She gave a self-deprecating shrug. "Not even I can say I am free of those issues, since they involved my sister, and it seems they have carried on in the years I was lost. But it seems you also managed not to be held back by those meetings either, so I am glad for that as well."


Fion reached up to put a hand above hers. "The first meeting got me in hot water, because I spoke Quenya and they recognized something I had with me... they also were aware of the rumours from the North, but i managed to get away before they could detain me for more questions. As for the Orcs..." He shrugged. ".. it was chaos down there, me, elves and some nice infighting. Though the elven patrol leader did not fail to accuse me of waking dark things under the mountains..." He looked up to meet her eyes. "I did not tell anyone what I saw in Erebor. They asked... they had heard of a Silmaril appearing there. I did not tell them. I told them to go and jump into a fiery chasm to look for the lost stones, or hop into the sea and not come back while they are at it."


That provoked a sharp laugh of amusement from Kizár. "Thank you for that then. I am sure their kind will not stop entirely until they are faced with Lossanárë's flames up close, but I am glad to hold that confrontation off until either Losá or I are present to show them exactly what form they can expect our light to come in because of their demands." Her mood turned a bit more serious. "As for Maitimo... I think you have a chance to have anything and everything you might wish of him. I only ask that you work out what it is you *do* want, if you have not done so already, and let Maitimo know. Kíli and I will both support you, though we both also do not want either side to end up hurt. In truth, that is one of Maitimo's fears as well, he doubts he is truly worthy and believes some time you will realise that and does not want you bound to him when that realisation comes."


A small self-depreciating smile became visible on Fion's face before he shook his head. "I know my own heart, Kizár, and I know there will be none other for me than your brother. Believe me, I know how much he has himself convinced that he is not worth to be loved, that he should be condemned to being alone until the end of days. Maybe your forgiveness can help him see that he is not one of the damned." For a moment Fion hesitated to speak on. "I once told your brother, that I will accept whatever he is willing to give... and I stand by that. I know he fears that we both will end up hurt, or that I will regret it. My choice is already made and I cannot go back behind it, even if I wanted to. And..."

Again his eyes went to the sea. "I understand that part of his heart is gone... is somewhere beyond this accursed ocean. And I wish I could do for him, what Svadir did for Alberic Stonehow, and journey to that world beyond to bring his love back. I truly wish I could, but the place where the elven fëa go is closed to the younger souls." Fion stopped realizing he might have said too much already.


Kizár looked at Fion with a slight sad and thoughtful look for a moment. "Perhaps you need to discuss that with Maitimo as well, Fion. I personally do not know the full extent of what came of Maitimo's relationships during the First Age, but the simple fact is that it will be a very long time before he ever sees anyone lost back in those days," she said in sympathetic voice. "You heard a little of the life my sisters and I lived in another world when Losá and I first explained it to Maitimo - that world, not even the elves there lived long lives, let alone had immortality. Despite the pain, I never once regretted knowing every one of my Bearers and their families, and I feel what may be between you and Maitimo would be the same." She took his hand and squeezed it. "He loves you, you know, and though it may hurt to eventually lose you to Mahal's halls, I have to believe he will be glad to have had you at his side for the time he is allowed."


Fion gently squeezed her hand. "Thank you, Kizár," he said earnestly. "you are wise... and I will heed your council and speak with him." He slowly rose to stand up again. "I do love your brother, Kizár... and while I understand why the tales of old warn us, to not fall in love with the Elf-kind, I'd rather have this, no matter the pain it might bring, than having never loved at all."


"I feel I face the easy path when it comes to bonds between mortal and immortal. I have the example of Lossanárë's bond with Maferath to show me what I may eventually expect, but I try to remember it is not nearly so easy on others to work out such things." For a moment the thought circles around in Kizár's head, but she shakes it off, wanting to be a bit more optimistic. "But now, why don't we head back and see if Egandír is ready to sail again? I would think you do not have a great deal you brought with you, so it should be only a moment to pick it up."


"I will go and get it straight away," Fion agreed, he had noticed her thoughtful look and wondered what she had been thinking of. One day, he decided he would ask her, one day, after a long talk with a certain red-headed elf.

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