
Aakash Raut · @AakashRaut

15th Apr 2015 from TwitLonger

Having an epiphany/panic. There are so many #ToDo’s that I could’ve done. Should I have done these tasks, before it became more difficult, due to health problems? What specifically should I be working on now?

What about all of the things I’ve written before, which people haven’t read (because it was in the format of a @Twitlonger post, or FB post)? What about my past Blogosphere comments, which were like articles (due to their length)?

How do I currently organize my thoughts/tasks? What formats should I use, when composing the prose I want to present? Blog entries (on which blog?)? Facebook Notes? Web pages? Google Docs?

Where do I begin/resume?

Also: There are so many ways to make money online, or through apps. This can be done in connection with some of the aforementioned article writing and blogging. Should I pull up past article templates, to use for new articles I create? Should I try to use WordPress again? (My prior WordPress blog disappeared, after I lost my domain name; the files are still online however, with my web hosting plan - I need to figure out how to get them viewable on the web again.)

I know that I’m getting unnecessarily anxious. Pray for calmness, and productivity.


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