1st Apr 2015 from TwitLonger

[TRANS] "#KingsBoyScouts The Bangtan Suit, one of Bangtan's outfits where it blocks out the world's oppressions, is the trend these days. It's made with high-tech bulletproof material, so if a bullet happens to be flying towards you, you got nothing to be scared of. (Or are you still wearing that feeble bulletproof vest?)" “@bts_bighit: #킹스소년단
세상의 억압을 막아내는 방탄복의 요즘 트랜드는 방탄수트.
최첨단 방탄 소재로 만들어 총알이 와도 끄떡없음 (아님
아직도 촌스럽게 방탄조끼 입니?"

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