Curating quality #GamerGate content became harder lately...

...due to the amount of goods coming down my way.

When a few months ago I realized I was lied to about #GamerGate, I looked for articles that would help me expose my views on the hashtag and the surrounding subjects (modern inquisition, freedom of expression, etc.) -- and honestly I could barely find any. The content was produced, but it was all way too angry and shallow to be useful to anyone outside of the echo chamber.

Fast forward a few months to today, and there's so much good stuff produced that I have to actually curate the stream of tweets, articles and videos in order not to spam my own followers.

Also note the tone shift in some of the mainstream gaming press. #GamerGate is now "controversy" and not "ISIS led by Nazis". Sure, some outlets (mostly outside of the gaming press now) are still into the old narrative but I have a feeling nobody cares that much anymore.

I'm not saying this is over but this newly gained confidence of #GamerGate and the desperate random attacks from the opposite side tell me that producing or looking for that "civil content" was the right thing to do. The perseverance in using logic and reason paid off.

No, girls and guys of #GamerGate, you are no saints. You can still be viciously angry and yes, aggressive dogpiling is a real problem. And I still cannot understand why you're amplifying the voices of the irrelevant attention-seekers. And there are other problems too ...but that's for another time. This time... Good job.

As long as you keep producing or finding (thanks, great "distributable" content, I will keep promoting it. And if by any chance any anti-GGer reads this as well, I am interested in your stuff too -- I tweeted this: -- and I will promote anything that helps maintain a civil discussion.

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