We cannot be silent any longer.

So, the main core focus of our entire philosophy here at BadSeedGames is to create and nurture an environment where the misfits and odd-balls of the industry can develop games. To help those that simply don't "fit" into the corporate mould to find a place where they can thrive and have their vision, their dreams made real.

We are incredibly big on the concept of a "safe space" because it is crucial that those that work with us (which is a very, very small list but hopefully will grow as we also grow) feel safe enough to speak their minds and to be assured that their contributions will be appreciated.

With that, it's terrible to see comments coming from someone who is a figurehead of the indie-game crowd standing up in front of thousands of people and saying some very, VERY unpleasant things. Erasure of voices is anathema to what we strive for. While most of us were terrified to speak out on this, we cannot be silent anymore.

Tim, what you said on stage at GDC is called "erasure." It is a problem because when you deny someone their very identity be it their gender, their ethnicity or even their sex, you deny them the very thing that gives them a unique perspective on the world and can be a source of strength and confidence. Why would you do such a nasty thing? Because they support #GamerGate? Really? That is a terrible reason. If you disagree with their views, go after their views. Don't go after their very identity or their very person-hood. Discussion can sometimes get heated, nobody we know will deny that... But the moment you steal someone's agency and their voice by calling them sock-puppets, and in front of a crowd of thousands in person and countless more via streams and such, you are stealing from them the very thing that gives them a reason for striving.

We all have dreams and visions and it's up to all of us to help support those that want to make this world better. We strongly believe in equality and fairness and everything of the sort here... Which is why your words were exceptionally callous and cruel.

Did you know that when you take away a transgender person's gender-identity, you are playing the part of the transphobes that have sought to bash us?

Did you know that when you erase a queer person's sexuality you are denying them the strength that has very likely helped them deal with a world that would "beat the fag out of them?"

Did you know that when you deny a visible minority's very ethnicity you are denying them what may be a source of strength to them? That very strength to deal with a world that may very well seek to keep them under someone's heel?

And did you know that when you deny a woman her womanhood, you are telling them that they aren't deserving of being seen AS a woman?

And for what? An online scandal?

That is shameful behaviour, Tim. And it's also the straw that broke us here. We cannot stay silent because if your behaviour is in any way indicative of the atmosphere that you and your fellows are perpetuating, you are doing your part to deny people their right to a safe space and THAT is something we cannot let slide.

WE WANT SAFE SPACES because we know that without one there is a chilling effect on expression. Art is nor never was about social acceptability. And games ARE art. Whether you use a paintbrush or coding syntax, it's still art. And art should NEVER be forced to conform to a narrow perspective on how the world ought to be.

Art should ALWAYS challenge people.

Art should ALWAYS tell stories some may be too uncomfortable to tell.

Art should ALWAYS show us the ugly side of human nature as much as the beautiful side.

Art should move people. Whether they are moved to tears of joy, tears of sorrow or tears of remembrance is inconsequential.

You are an artist and you seem to have forgotten that which is a shame.

So, you've forces us (however small we may be) to shed our silence. We cannot stand idly by while our very peers, our customers and OUR FRIENDS are attacked.

Do you want this scandal to end? Then STOP taking pot-shots at people and encourage CIVIL DISCUSSION!

Inciting a mob is what homophobes, transphobes, misogynists and racists do and that is precisely what you're doing... And we also know that GDC itself is also somewhat responsible as well... So this also goes to them.

This industry is sick but kindness and understanding is what's needed. Not more polarizing rhetoric and hateful expletives.

You want this industry to grow up? Then start with yourself.

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