
Glenn Verrecas · @Seiniyta

11th Feb 2015 from TwitLonger

Custom move Setup requirements and misconceptions

Set-up requirements:

• At least 1 3DS with Super Smash Bros for 3DS with all Custom moves unlocked. That’s right. Only one and with all custom move pre-sets already done. Using the latest version of this list:


• All your WiiU setups with empty Custom move slots (delete any that already might be there)

• Use the 3DS custom move transfer tool that’s on the main menu of the WiiU game and connect them.

• Transfer all the characters custom movesets to the WiiU setups. (Around 20 minutes per set up. )

• Done. You’ve successfully put all the viable/most used custom moves on the WiiU and as TO you can almost forget about them from a logistics point of view. Almost, more later on that.

Q: Why not have all the WiiU setups have all the custom moves unlocked and let players create their desired setup?:

It would take too much, you would have to go out of the character select screen, go to custom, create the custom, go out of the custom menu back to smash mode. For a Tournament that time adds up severely. But there’s a second reason .

3DS transferred custom moves CANNOT be modified/tampered with. Not unimportant considering the same custom menu you can put in equipment. Although it’s unlikely that any streamed match would have some devious cheater that modifies his character before his opponent got to the setup it definitely can happen in unstreamed matches. Unlikely, but possible.

Q: What if I don’t have all the custom moves unlocked on the 3DS? Grinding them takes ages.
Yes, it absolutely takes ages even on the 3DS version. Thankfully there is no need to grind 50 hours to get them all. Unfortunately, the solution isn’t free. But it’s not a huge moneysink either.

You can use an Action Replay PowerSaves Pro - Nintendo 3DS which is about 20 dollar on amazon. You download the desired save to the cheat device and it will unlock all the moves on the 3DS game.

Q: What if I want to use a moveset that’s not on the list?

It’s very unlikely, if you’re serious that your moveset wouldn’t be on the list and therefore on the setups. But in the case it did, for small tournaments I could see them just bringing the 3DS, quickly make the moveset and transfer it. For larger tournaments it wouldn’t be allowed as it would simply hold things too much up. Even IF all the WiiU setups had all the custom moves unlocked it would add a not insignificant amount of time.

Q Misconception: Custom moves and Profiles(names/controller preferences) are tied.
They are not. They’re completely separate. Custom moves are not tied to profiles. You select them after selecting your character regardless if you even selected a profile in the character screen or not.

Q4: We shouldn’t use Custom moves because they’re broken/unbalanced! Right?
There is as now no known custom move that is considered broken. There are some very strong custom moves out there for sure. Is it possible there are broken custom moves? Perhaps? But usually a community can find really really strong things fairly fast. (Metaknight, Diddy Kong/Sheik once WiiU version were out)

Some characters have 0-to death custom move combo’s. But so have default moves now in certain situations. It’s really no excuse. If there are broken custom moves I would love to hear about them + vods showing it off.

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