
Joe K · @TrollhunterX

20th Jan 2015 from TwitLonger


Re Facebook page and incineration protest:

The fly-tipping situation in Barton & Tredworth is a constant two fingers up to any notion of a serious intent to reduce residual waste, yet all these councillors who insist there are alternatives to incineration ignore what's in front of their eyes. Come to this ward and persuade the city council to get their 'education' officers, under Ismael Rhyman, to do the job they're paid to do, and I might take the green lobby seriously. That's assuming, of course, that those officers haven't already been laid off as an 'efficency saving'...

PS In under two minutes, I changed the rating for John Hooper's post from -44 to *plus* 44. Not because I know some hacking trick but because I'm one of the few (or perhaps not so few?) individuals who can add and deduct points at will, presumably because of some glitch in the system. When will the management of the Citizen do away with this dodgy system, which is largely employed by people who don't have the spine, or maybe the intelligence, to criticise publicly?

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