12th Jan 2015 from TwitLonger

[TRANS] "And also what's my main point for my outfits? An inviolable rule? There were a lot of this kind of questions but for me, for both music and clothes, I don't have a bias towards a certain 'type'; I try to wear a variety of clothes and try to be able to take in all types of styles. But I love my clothes and I think that it's important to be confident in them. If you're awkward or uncomfortable in them, as a result, the person who sees you in them will also think you look awkward or uncomfortable in them." “@BTS_twt: 그리고 옷 입을 때 포인트? 철칙? 이런 게 많던데 그냥 저는 음악이나 옷이나 편견 별로 없이 최대한 많은 것들을 입고 소화해보고 싶습니다. 그래도 내가 입는 옷을 사랑하고 자신있어하는 태도가 중요하다 생각해요. 그 옷을 어색해하면 결국 보는 사람도”

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