
ana maria · @ana1091995

8th Jan 2015 from TwitLonger

to all jonas fans around the world

hi¡¡ dear jonas sisters and brothers of this fandom sorry if I am bother you right now but I need to tell you something that means a lot to me:
My name is Ana Im from Spain. In my whole life I lived some memories, they were good and others were bad. Despite everything, I have learned that despite our differences we are humans, we are people.
I think that no matter the language, custom or religion because all that matters really is the heart , what we feel , who we are and who we will become in the future. I am a fan of the Jonas Brothers and not only of them. I know what you feel when your life goes wrong and you need someone to hold on , a friend, boyfriend, girldfriend , your family or a music band , because the pain we feel when we let them go is the same in all cases. When you're young you think only to enjoy but when you grow up everything changes. you grow up, maybe you can fall in love with someone special, you are married or maybe you will have childrens, you are not free you have responsibilities. and this happened to our dear brothers jonas. as we grew because they grew too. If you had to choose between continuing singing or care for your children that you would do? unfortunately or advantage I have heart and feelings and I would choose my family like they did. our jonas brothers were brave and im so proud.
and you know why? because the music is just a career like many others and in fact all that matters is family friends and children and that love is something that can not be replaced.
if true we we cried and we've been angry or we even fought while we saw them go but is not a goodbye forever because if they back or not we need to support them.

We are separating the fandom for only think about his music or his relationships when only thing that matters is they joe and kevin Nick and I invite you to support them forever.
PS: I love you family.

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