
Ranloth · @RanlothAE

13th Dec 2014 from TwitLonger

How to get ALL the Frozen Fury gear for just $50!

Unless you need the Varium from the promotional package, there's a VERY wise way to spend it and nab the whole promo!! :D

Personally, I would purchase the package with Aux/Gun/Bot, since it's worth the money you're paying - every item will come in useful, whilst Primary weapons share the same core.
Next, I would get the Scythe (E & P) from Torgan, Frysteland. 1,250 Varium for base weapon, with NO STATS, so 2,500 Varium for both. With the Gifts, you should have more than enough Credits to upgrade these weapons afterwards, and have plenty leftover.

Likewise with the Armor - it's 1,995 Varium for the base, NO STATS. Credits used to upgrade it, again. This way, you have just got the full promo (minus Mutating Weapons) for $50 and 4,495 Varium spent - and you get 10K in the package!

For those who want the Battlegear instead (Mutating), it will cost you +400 Varium more per weapon, for a total of 5,295 Varium + Credits for upgrading! Pretty sweet deal, if you ask me!

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