Re: Front, Snarl et al.

I am attempting to clear up some confusion with this piece.

This really doesn't have anything to do with Maria.

My purpose is to have any accounts that impersonate Michael removed. This includes accounts that "hint" they are Michael by their words, photographs and the like. This also includes the accounts where the user states they are Michael and/or speaking on his behalf.

This issue with Front is too many people believe he is Michael, and he deliberately posts photos that make him appear to look like Michael. That is deceptive and he knows this. He has never shared a photo of his face. That is highly suspect and further evidences his intentions. He is smart enough to not go too far over the line. However, when I brought this account to the attention of my colleagues who work for the Estate, they reached the same conclusions that I have. Front is harmful because there are impressionable people who believe Michael is alive and Front is Michael.

Snarl has declared himself to be Michael many times. He has been suspended from here, but always comes back under a new name.

We (meaning myself, the Estate and Jackson family) are seeking to have any and all accounts that purport to be Michael banned from Twitter. Not suspended, banned so that they cannot return.

These accounts are dangerous because there are people who believe that the user behind the account is Michael. There has been suicide attempts, harassment of Michael's children, women believing that Michael is going to come and get them and ride off into the sunset. Some people have put their lives on hold waiting for this. This is a ship that will never come in.

These accounts also create wars amongst Michael's fan base, which would be devastating to him. He would be further devastated by the betrayal of his own fans that believe he would commit a crime and fake his own death and then show up on social media dangling a carrot.

Michael died. I knew him very well and you don't have to believe me. But, he was my friend and someone needs to defend him against such disrespect. The users may say nice things, but that doesn't negate the damage.

Users can spread Michael's message without all of the smoke and mirrors. Nobody should be impersonating Michael.

Anyone can attack me, I don't really care. I've served as an elected public official, and being attacked by pixels on a screen really doesn't have an impact. Believe me, don't believe me. The proof will be in the pudding.

I hope that this clears up the reasons behind all of this.

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