I looked over the "Gamers are Dead" articles to see if GamerGate's rage was just

So recently I come across this tweet by @firehawk32: https://twitter.com/firehawk32/status/523573427928854528

"I looked over the "Gamers are Dead" articles to see if #GamerGate's rage was justified."

And he linked to an Article hosted by @PixieJenni. In it he look over all the article published on and around 27th of August to see how many times the phrase "Gamers are dead" is used.

You can read article here: https://archive.today/J4tpH

Here's the TLDR version: the phrase doesn't come up alot, so what are gamers angry about?

I thought this is very interesting, if the gaming journalist didn't call gamers "dead", what did they call gamers?

Let's do our own analysis shall we?

1. Leigh Alexander’s “’Gamer’s’ don’t have to be your audience. ‘Gamers’ are over.” August 28, 2014 Gamasutra / http://archive.today/l1kTW
Audience: Developers

[Gamers are] buying things, tackling over memes and in-jokes repeatedly, getting mad on the internet.
[Gamers are] young man queuing with plush mushroom hats and backpacks and jutting promo poster rolls.
[Gamers] don't quite know why they themselves are standing there.
[Gamers] don't know how to dress or behave.
[Gamers are]people who know so little about how human social interaction and professional life works that they can concoct online ‘wars’ about social justice or ‘game journalism ethics'.
[Gamers are]young white dudes with disposable income who like to Get Stuff.
[Gamers are]generation of lonely basement kids.
[Gamers are]angry young men.
[Gamers are] over.
[Gamers are] mad.
[Gamers are] obtuse shitslingers
[Gamers are] wailing hyper-consumers,
[Gamers are]childish internet-arguers.

See didn't say Gamers are dead though, so we get that going for us, which is nice. (It would be hard to be dead AND doing all those other things)

2. Chris Plante’s “An Awful Week to Care About Video Games.” August 28th at 1:21pm Polygon / http://archive.today/rkvO8
Audience: Gamers/Game fans

[Gamers are] child with a temper tantrum, folded its arms, slumped its shoulders while pouting like an obstinate child...that wants to remain the singular focus of his parents' affection.

Not as creative as Leigh.

3. Casey Johnston’s “The Death of ‘Gamers’ and the Women Who ‘Killed’ Them” August 29 at 12:00am Ars Technica / https://archive.today/ZyLdw

Beside the catchy title, she mainly rundowns events and and link to other article without elaborating who these "Gamers" are.

I guess there's no point in speaking ills of the dead.

4. Devin Wilson’s “A Guide to Ending ‘Gamers’ August 28 8:28pm Gamasutra / http://archive.today/2t93l

Here's gamers are not dead yet, but about to be "ended", because:

[Gamers are] almost all tyrannical brats with messianic delusions.

It's more of a guide to ending gamers, head over if you want to see how you are going to be"ended".

5. Dan Golding’s “The End of Gamers” August 28 Personal Blog / https://archive.today/5jvcD
Audience: unclear, personal blog.

Well here we have gamers about to be dead. No creative description for gamers though, just the usual straight male, teenage boys stuff.

6. Luke Plunkett’s “We Might be Witnessing the ‘Death of an Identity’” August 28 8:00pm Kotaku / https://archive.today/ht088
Audience: Gamers/game fans

Well true to Kotaku fashion, it's just a repeat of Dan Golding and Leigh Alexander's blogs with a link. No original thought here.

7. Joseph Bernstein’s “Gaming is Leaving ‘Gamers’ Behind” August 28 8:29PM Buzzfeed / http://archive.today/jVqJ8
Audience: General

Well it's Buzzfeed, so most of the article have to use the metaphor moviegoers instead. So

[Gamers are] young white suburban dorks moviegoers.

Whatever that mean. You are definitely going to be left behind though, probaly to be "ended".

8. Patrick O’Rourke’s “Sexism, Misogyny and Online Attacks: It’s a Horrible Time to Consider Yourself a ‘Gamer’” August 28 9:33pm Financial Post / https://archive.today/HkPHc
Audience: General

[The term Gamers] has taken on increasingly negative connotations.

Financial people, always too PC.

9. Arthur Chu’s “It’s Dangerous to Go Alone: Why Are Gamers So Angry” August 28 The Daily Beast / http://archive.today/9NxHy

Here we have the former Jeopardy champ, so there's a long list of things and event he knows, but doesn't understand.

[Gamers] are overwhelmingly male, and angry.

But he doesn't know why or how to fixed it though, hence the question.

10. Mike Pearl’s “This Guy’s Embarrassing Relationship Drama is Killing the ‘Gamer’ Identity” August 29 Vice / https://archive.today/L4n6p
Audience: General

Just summary of event and repeating what LA said. Refer to #1

There's are more articles from non-gaming media or fringe site, but I'm just gonna stop it here.

So in conclusion,

Dan Golding said "Gamers" are dying.
Polygon said "Gamers" are just children throwing tantrum.
Arthur Chu said "Gamers" are just angry, but he don't know why.
Leigh Alexander said she doesn't care, Gaming Journalists don't need "Gamers", "Gamers" need to go.
Buzzfeed agreed to left "Gamers" behind, because movie.
The financial guys think being "Gamers" are horrible anyway.
Gamasutra laid out a plan on how to "end Gamers", with the help of women.
Ars Technica wrote the Obituary.
Kotaku just repeated what everyone else were saying.

Thus, I have to agree with @firehawk32 and PixieJenni, not all posts uses the phrase "Gamers are dead".

So there you go, if these posts make you angry, you are just sexist.


Greg Costikyan's "Gamersgate: STFU" http://archive.today/vT7vp

Well this speak directly to us, so read it yourself I guess.

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