Ok ONE more thing. I will say that I am absolutely disgusted...

Ok ONE more thing. I will say that I am absolutely disgusted with the fact that Anita Sarkeesian had to cancel a university talk due to a threat sent to the venue. The most important part of respecting free speech is respecting the right of people to say things you don't like. I've seen all too many feminist and mens issues talks shut down by extremist tactics. Extremists after all take many guises, they are not a "left" or "right" problem, they are by their very nature the extreme fringe of any and all ideologies. Don't agree with what you say, defend to the death your right to say it is something far too many people forget. Always remember that extremists are in fact the most scared, they project their terror onto others. They are terrified that someone they might not like gets to have a voice and they will do what they can to silence the voice. World sucks at times, but let's not lose sight of the fact that it is a tiny minority making it that way.