How SJW can harm LGBT: A story

In college we watched a video about trans men in one of my Women's Studies courses (just to remind you, those are those courses that I've taken but barely any of the bloggers or "culture critics" currently lecturing others on gender issues have any experience in).

After the video, a cis girl tried to say trans men only transition because they want access to "male privilege" in society. Right after we had watched a film that interviewed several trans men about their lives, their struggles, and the physical and psychological changes they experienced after starting on testosterone. Some of these men winced through tears, recalling the past pain they had endured as oppressed minorities. It would take a pretty callous individual to dismiss them, I thought.

This girl also said she thought the psychological and behavioral changes they reported were imagined, as a result of suddenly having "male privilege". Things like increased libido were just because they suddenly had climbed to the top of the Patriarchy™ ladder and found a new, entirely socially constructed sense of superiority over all other life forms. I wonder what sort of political privileges the less savory affects of testosterone, like acne, bestowed upon them; but I digress.

So here's a cis girl basically calling a bunch of very discriminated against, very misunderstood people, a bunch of deluded liars. Because accusing trans people of being crazy isn't already a common transphobic myth or anything. Meanwhile she was also denying that powerful hormones could affect human behavior, so we have a healthy amount of science denialism in there as well.

While I was a very gung-ho and proudly self-described feminist in college, that might have been the first time I realized that certain types of leftism/feminism are actually not equipped to promote the rights and dignity of LGBT people. You might have seen similar things on Tumblr and thought to yourself "this has to be fake, nobody could actually think that". They do. Once a one-sided sociopolitical narrative gets jammed into the base of their brain, they will say the most idiotic things just to maintain it. It's so easy to recognize it happening to conservatives (e.g. Tea Party), but among us liberals, we are blind to contradictory or even become apologists for outright toxic arguments and behaviors, just because they happen to fly our flag.

That's why I oppose extremism of any kind. I can agree with 99.9% of the things SJWs claim to champion, such as gender equality, LGBT rights, etc. But I can still recognize in their ideology and behavior something very rotten, that has the potential to really harm people, especially sexual and gender minorities, were it put into action.

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