Video proof Anita Sarkeesian lied about her "gamer" past at Xoxofest #GamerGate

In this video, which was recorded at xoxofest 2014, Anita says that she has been playing games since she was 5 years old. You can find this at around the 12 minute mark during her discussion of the "conspiracy theory" that she is not a "real" gamer. It is clear from the context that she is referring to video games.

Compare that video to this footage of her from 2010, in which Anita says she doesn't play video games. Anita says CLEARLY that she is not a fan of video games and doesn't play them. It sure sounds like Anita has been gaming since she was 5, doesn't it?

What does this prove? Anita was trying to address the criticism that she is not a "gamer" and does not truly understand the video game industry, and in order to do that she told a BLATANT LIE about having been a fan of video games since she was a small child.

Anita should have listed to Gaben

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