
Bonusje · @Bonusje

7th Oct 2014 from TwitLonger


Very Interesting

""after an Anglo-Dutch raid in 1816 on Algiers, the corsairs were forced to agree to terms which included a cessation of the practice of enslaving Christians""

By which the centralbanksters asian aipac nobils lost their pirate outposts. To them also belong the rotchilds who 8th century under the name tour were on srilanka plundering and Slave hunting with their afrikan/semite pirates.

They came at least 15th century to Europe probably were the tu-d-or nobils and after the corsairs ended they had setup israel what doe the same as algiers did.

Whereby algiers tunesia israel etc are fro when they as faronic dynasties streched their claws to europe als setup the rome empire more and more to which these countries around the mediterain Sea belong. So Signature of the faronic aka black nobils aka centralbanksters and global nobils and aipac now.

Btw with the by rotchild setup eucommision even they kept on Slave trading under all kind of fancy political correct names alibi´s and excuses.


Of Course the other way around these WILL have been the same that the slave trades the other way around also did.

Whereby the gypsys…é-gyp..tish who now live in mobile homes and are called also roemenians and eurasians who trades White Europeans for millenia to egypt asia china japan afrika and middle east will have served these works of evil.

Afrikans also all time served the black nobils like the rotchilds who were 8th century called toer and were back then slave hunting and slashing in srilanka and were helped by afrikan servants aswell also in 14th century Ireland when they conquered that.

We even stil have a anual celebration of this evil and nightmare against Our Lifes in Europe called sinterklaas where We were dragged toward Spain to die in arena´s hung upside down in jute sacks and torn to schreds by wild bulls .. now it is a celebration for Children.
Oct 7, 2014, 2:08 am
rrf on October 1, 2014 at 7:00 am said:

BRICS? rotchild !

red dragon red rot rotchild ! child of the red dragon china…dragon dagon dogon dogan erdogan

Chinese empire and their networks of banking nobils governments every political party and system political agenda and taxoffices and countless terror and plundercells

China was run over by djengzkhan 1000 years ago. Djengizkhan Dij Engi es khan Enki´s Priest! Enki Anki Anc GOD one of Noah´s Sons Enki and Videl of whom they made kanker ká Anc er cancer and Videl they made dá evil (evi eve eva evo)devil and GOD´s Works destroyed by the faraos of the regime of nubis anc tor ma

@MailOnline the standard charlie chaplin poor brilliant instant billionaire baby story? And no whitewashstation number 10000…X with out of
West for decades stolen countless trillions through centralbankers globalisation and aipac nobils setting up cells w their
offsprings in it like We have a epidemic of instant baby multibillionaires past 25 years out of thin air with no background like
also all our politicians and presidents as usual? Strongly campaigned by west media so by centralbanking? That they do only for
own side regime of nubis anc tor ma with World for ++20 centuries as their commonwealths and Slave markets

Look at the Wall including the Coastline
Posted by Mymy
The wall including coastline is similar to the starconstellation. And the dragon looks toward the West ie rest of the continent …. as enemy or prey … all activity say We are prey for centuries now aswell as all banking and depraved plundereconomies came from china. They the chinese empire also distributed all nobils aka kingdoms in all Nations as managing occupationforces in their empire Earth! Even nowadays our politics nobils eucommisions finance banking is loaded with these asians eurasians…and We were/are dragged for more than 8000 years already away as slaves and whores including all Our Fruits of Work and Prosperities staying Poor and Slave forever under their rule!
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Sep 10, 2014, 11:27 am

Also tor(thor) tur (tur-key) tour (tour de franche tou-areg )tu-d-or … tour is an old 8th century name of rotchild from when they stil were slaugtering at srilanka

rrf on October 4, 2014 at 12:01 am said:

Your Commentsection did not Accept longread so in some links:

Besides that recent Finding might be enlighting about the origine of the much spoken of kazars:

A more recent suggestion is that tur may come from Proto-Baltic *tur, from the zero … The meaning in Latvian would have been changed to “there” under the…

It might be posible tur comes from ta-or et-tur or “ur .. the titel like the n ero of the romans what ment the ruler ceasar(tsjar ) or numero uno.tour to ur. tudor to-d-ur

tur noun: tur; plural noun: turs a wild goat native to the Caucasian mountains.
Tūrān (Persian توران), literally meaning “the land of the Tur”, is a region in Central Asia. … The Avesta contains the names of various tribal groups who lived in …

You know the tur-key from Comment above?

Then also I-ran is Not far!

And khazars >

Qajars > kazars? The Qajar rulers were members of the Karagöz “Black-Eye” sept of the Qajars &

About king dynasty and chinese empire

yatsenyuk and sun yat sen(1905) and stalin and Ukrain

10,000 BC Val Camonica and the deluge

nobils aipac centralbanking owe US every Cent


About king dynasty and chinese empire

yatsenyuk and sun yat sen(1905) and stalin and Ukrain


The roots of evil

10,000 BC Val Camonica and the deluge

Another Word


wargasm world domination enterprises inc
38,000 Homo floresiensis A species of tiny human lived on the remote Indonesian island of Flores, 18,000 years ago. Researchers have so far unearthed remains from eight individuals who were just one metre tall, with grapefruit-sized skulls. They made tools, hunted tiny elephants and lived at the same time as modern humans who were colonizing the area. Probably descended from full-sized Homo erectus that made landfall on Flores as much as 900,000 years ago Flores was a looking-glass garden of Komodo dragons and even larger lizards, giant tortoises and enormous rats. Alongside them were tiny, primitive elephants These people, each a metre tall as an adult, lived on Flores from at least 38,000 years ago to 18,000 years ago.
Circa 23,000 Civilisation of Uru Western Australia.
In the New England district of northern New South Wales, a series of two sets of human footprints have been found preserved in mudstone, dated by Archaeologists to be 25,000 years old. While one set are those of a modern-type child’s footprints, the second set are those of an adult’s sandal prints. At a South Australian site another set of human footprints dating back 10,000 years have come to light. Who, living in Australia 10,000 and 25,000 years ago were so advanced that they made sandals? At a Northern Territory site statues made from soapstone and standing 4 ft high have been recovered by archaeologists near engravings and rock shelter paintings of non-Aboriginal culture. Carbon 14 dated samples taken from the rock shelter floors have dated the art at between 20,000-25,000 years.
22,788 B.C Radiocarbon dating report on wood fragments found at Pyramid of the Sun in Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina, sampled on June 6, 2012, from Archaeological Trench 4A on the north side of the pyramid in soil layer above ancient concrete blocks. – [August 18, 2012, radiocarbon dating report from Kiev laboratory provided to Earthfiles by Semir Osmanagich, Ph.D., Prof. of Anthropology, American Univ. in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Principal Investigator, Bosnian Pyramid Project]
20,238 Aztec traditional beginnings of civilization” (lasts until 15,212).
20,000 China delicate shell-made necklace deposited
Man-made structure, buried under Mount Padang in Cianjur, West Java, is older than the Giza pyramid.
Carbon-dating test results from the Miami lab show that the structure could date back to 14,000 BC or beyond.
# Mount Padang in Cianjur, West Java. According to team leader and geologist, Dr. Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, “3-D geo-electric and geo-radar [procedures] discovered two doors in the hallway” of a chamber measuring ten-by-ten-by-ten metres at a depth of twenty-five metres.7 These state-of-the-art instruments readily found and accurately confirmed the existence of large and small chambers, walls, gates and staircases buried deep beneath the often-visited, open-air ruins in a virtual subterranean mirror image of Gunung Padang. “US lab validates Cianjur ‘ancient structure’ theory,” The Jakarta Post announced on 5 November. “A recent analysis of carbon-dating by the Miami-based Beta Analytic Lab has apparently validated findings by a government-sanctioned team that a man-made structure lies buried under Mount Padang in Cianjur, West Java. The lab used samples of sand, soil and charcoal found at a depth of between three and twelve metres beneath the mountain’s surface. Based on geo-electric, geo-radar and geo-magnetic [surveys], a large chamber is buried at least up to fifteen metres from the surface… Carbon-dating test results from the Miami lab show that the structure could date back to 14,000 B.C., or beyond.”8 Since publication of The Jakarta Post report, repeated and additional analysis by Beta Analytic scientists confirmed their initial 14,000 BCE findings. The significance of this discovery cannot be over-stated, because it crosses the Ice Age event horizon. Even Turkey’s Gobekli Tepe, for all its Tenth Millennium BCE antiquity, came into being only after the close of the last glacial epoch, when environmental conditions were moderating sufficiently to allow for the development of proto-civilisation. Less distracted by the incessant challenges to their survival, our ancestors were afforded opportunities for broader, more complex social cooperation. But Gunung Padang proves that humans were already in possession of a relatively high culture two thousand years earlier, while the Ice Age was still in progress. This “Shrine of the Sun” has radically pushed back the origins of civilisation to remoter levels of time and space, because mainstream palaeo-anthropologists, fixated on Europe and the Near East, are resistant to the very notion of mankind’s transition from ‘savagery’ in Indonesia. Yet, it is precisely here that Stephen Oppenheimer, a British geneticist, member of Green Templeton College, Oxford, and an honorary fellow of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, traced the beginnings of civilised mankind with his controversial Eden in the East, in 1999.9 It had been preceded during the previous century by The Lost Continent of Mu, written by another Englishman, James Churchward, an Imperial British Army colonel serving in India, where his translation of original Hindu monastery source materials likewise recorded how humans took that first step in the Western Pacific realm.10 My own The Lost Civilization of Lemuria (2006) and Before Atlantis (2013) similarly trace the rise of homo erectus in Java, his Pacific-wide dispersal and accelerated evolution after the eruption of history’s greatest volcanic event, and his descendants’ subsequent invention of civilisation.
Aug 3, 2013, 7:50 am

" To a large extent, it is a clone of the cult leader, with the same ideas, beliefs, values and behaviors .."

collins – lin col – lincoln … abraham lincoln

lin´s li an es members of the chinese li banking dynasty


yat sen yuk …. sun yat sen

king kong king dynasty kong dynasty – king dynasty World king networks and World as chinese commenwealths

Origines of evil &

Some of their enslavement tools

History_of_the_Jesuits Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Design by G. B. Nicolini.pdf

The Pope, chief of white slavers, high priest of intrigue by Jeremiah J. Crowley (1913).pdf

The Engineer Corps of Hell


Dr. Rivera read many top secret documents that linked the Vatican to the creation of Islam and Communism etc.,etc.
Oct 6, 2014, 9:44 pm

Rockefeller Medicine: #CrooksByNature

For example, prisoners of war know that the person doing the brainwashing and/or torture is an enemy and often they understand that remaining alive depends on changing their belief system.

What Is Mind Control?

This is what our governments do chronicaly to us &

How Psychopaths Use Basic Mind Control Techniques

list of mind control techniques
"When serfs/commoners/renters (slaves) went to war* to fight for their land-lords, land-barons, Kings/Queens, etc, etc, on the front-line of battle, their masters were the ones talking in Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Old English, etc, all of which was Martian-talk/gobbledygook to the serfs."
Could sheriff come from serf sjarif sjar tzar sheriff serve service vicer

OPPT & Slavery Through Intellectual Conscription By Deceit (3th from above) intellectuele Dienstplicht @GeorginaBencsik 1h1 hour ago Yes #empower , #education .@AntonioParis .@khboffice Teaching our children science at an early age will inspire them.
@GeorginaBencsik @AntonioParis @khboffice yeah making Them usefull autististic needtoknow based fools and have em kill their Mothers Fathers Sisters and Brothers whereby the profits loot and poot goes to the elites centralbankers nobils where science already IS fraud where 53% run around with bought fraud degree because of being mafia family members and therefor 60% of science´s formost media propaganda theories and scientists already for years are Debunked but they who made ALL political agenda supporting fraud political agenda´s biggest anual heists in History of Mankind did not TELL! THAT IS WHY the World is ruled by 147 biggest compagnies in a tight setting of one and the same shadodwnetwork where EVEN NASA is not Allowed to speak Out About Their Satellite Data and therefor the Fraud climatechangepolitics also go on and on even making that worse by hiding the REAL pollutions poisons farma chems carbons airtraffic globalisations and influences with the exact same fooltool of fraud with the opposite and blaming and earning on the Wrong Ones who became doublevictims and pay to death atwhile same time sabotaging EVERY alternative energy or Solution top keep the ball and status quo of fraud agenda and interests > ALL carried by academics science scientists! Btw Did You Know as Science FACT There is everywhere at global scale Geotherm under Your House of 180°C at 3 Miles Enought to Serve ALL of Mankind For 130.000 Years and NO CO2? ehm You Say ..... they do not Teach that in Science Class? Or that fraud political agenda profits the most out of NOT Solving the problems they present (and in 1st place created even onpurpose)in their agenda´s?...but even make it a doubledamage double expensive never Go Away Again industry? So economics like cancer terminal cancer and profits and health for only them the few!
Teaching Children Youngsters and People the Ways of Psychological and Scientific Logics of Logic Reasoning and Thinking in Science Life and Psychology Would Safe SOOOO MUCH troubles and sufferings And Medicine Against chaos fears and panic! Should Be formost and Repeated base Learning at any School! But hey then frauding Them or raping Their Souls is somewhat more troublesome then whereby ALL fraud political agenda Would FALL! Never Second Guessed WHY the Children are never Teached the Good Stuff?
So Turan as in Tur-An and Iran as in Ira-An or israel as in isra-el esra-el yesra-el land of esra of Ye es/is Ra Christ or in older Times Noah.
Israel a Land Not a City once 8000 years ago around what is now Known as the Van legue in Turkey.

What is thought to be israel nowadays is from an imposter azraeel(asreel asra esra ashra(ashram? ram a sign of the by the evil faraos created Zodiac) eshra ashreel assh-er or nowadays assher nowadays massive into Our Dutch government) who abuse religions mythology beliefes to keep a outpost of the chinese empire estahblished among their Slaves and Victims as Slave trade station and piratenest.
"Jezreel Valley" Ye azrael is Uriel already Gone. A imposter who pretends to be GOD better known as israel nowadays. "Valley" fa allieds" betray Friends.(villan vuil(dutch for dirt) valley of the Dolls - where Children are raped! Ley Lines - Good Roads Given by GOD!(These Roads you will Not Understand because are from another Race of another Era 20.000 years ago)
azrael nowadays better known as jacob! A later leader of one of the many plunder and rapewaves from china and former egypt where abraham preceeded him 8000 years ago and this rape plunder and occupationwave came 800 years ago 14th century devouring the former rapists and pirates.
The emperors of china alias former egypt faraos sent wave after wave of anihilators into the World and these emmisaries also did that too to try to fullfil a commandment of faraos from 13.000 and 8000 years ago to anihilate Mankind and to anihilate Mankind and Creation and GOD.
They were Not Aware of it because of being programmed and only felt hate and lust for murder and every single Creature on Earth should have done them wrong what raped Children can have. Beside the problems were much deeper involving whole of the species Mankind and from much older ages on &

The last of them faraos the one from 8000 years ago sent all of mankind divided in 16 groups under guidance of special programmed Mind control transfering priestkastes of 144.000 each under the 12 Signs of the Zodiac unaware of eachother and all the same programming also unaware of to anihilate All of Creation and Existense. Each of them made belief to be the lost tribe the promissed son the lost Land and rightfull heir and owner of Earth .. And they started the works... of war murder massmurders crime as daily life rapes rapewaves exterminations plunder and robberies...eachother...each thinking of being the jews.
Because Noah and His last remaining Israelites were first target for anihilation because He Was the Only Opposing Force on Earth and fled with His last remaining 25.004 People in what became Known as the Exodus. Therefor the Ararat comes in because that is near Israel what was around the Van Legue.
And the Ark did not ran aground at the Ararat but was harbored there so All of the refugees Could See the Diamond Tetrahydron with Sides of one kilometer for Day and for Night hundreds of kilometers away. She is Called in the Mythologies Morningstar Ship of the Dawn Throne of GOD and Henoch Called Her Sea of Glass and Fire.
How the farao thought about Noah and His People you can read some in ezechiel where is thought it should be God speaking but is the farao that commanded the fatwa against Noah and Creation.
I Know Because I Am a REAL Holocaust Survivor(Still) of in war exterminated 1 million and after war exterminated 4,4 million Dutch People and in a bad way bad Health Alife with this item as only Lifecontent with the consequenses of as from befor Birth and as Child many times being extremely tortured abused raped poisoned drugged prostituted for years many years with each Bone Skull Legs Arms Fingers Hands Feet Body Spine Ribs broken at least triple where upon the tortures and injections by sadist clients like fear enforcers pain enforcers poisons reproductioninhibitors muscletrauma inducors drugs alcohol tobacco and was premature tortured as Newborn as Baby as Child as Adult by way of old rabinal of monarch of mkultra of beria and the new oldsfield( clans bush gore nsa) torture and Mind control techniques.
nOOn October 5, 2014 at 11:58 AM

bububbuT…BUT might it be that decades of acid rain from te old Western industries that burned coal as now china does poured through the lime layers and had it collapsed.

also global airtraffic again produces acid rains with the dissolved CO2 from the exhaustgasses aswell does 90% of total global warming or climatechange as was Discovered when they were grounded during WTC.

Your climatechange mafia not even silenced this fact all time and even still today BUT want even TO DOUBLE airtraffic coming 20 years atwhile globalisation and lowwagenations now are Proofen climatewreckers.

So climatechange pushers are blaming us falsely for own commitet damages and extort money under fraud data from us and are gonna onpurpose make all even worse that now…

Even silence for 44 years now global presence of Free Geotherm of 180°C everywhere at 3 miles deep and sabotage ALL alternative energies and Civli initiative.

AND ALL THAT they never TOLD YOU!!!

Bonusje • a few seconds ago
And centralbanksters have/had a new evolution of the Polonium murders. Germanium isotope micro bullet shells shot with silent airguns and stayed severely radio active for 11,43 days only after which it becomes innocent Borium. Usualy shot from behind in the back at the supermarket or other public place.
Then outbreaks of all kinds of strange and soft tissue or abdomen etc cancers occur.
Detectives from local policestations are/were their killsquads and were commanded by local banksters who got their orders from ie eveline de rotchild from Toulouse as it came to Me passed by a local abn amro bankster to the detectives of My local policestation.
Bonusje • a few seconds ago
nsa did put microdevices not more than a grain of sand on Kids right Eye Nerves since 2006 from 3 years old and up at global level by abuse of schoolsystems schooltrips. Probably perfect spying for close range receivers.. Politicians and Leaders Topofficials also Should Check fb_comment_id=fbc_706841989391264_706892499386213_706892499386213#f1858f67f123406
So Day
Egyptian - e- gyp-sys the clans that drove the Slave caravans for millenia from Europe to egypt china middle east and sumeria. Stil major in all kind of crimes of the like...aswell as behave and have same sourche as the islam oeigoers that do the same crimes in other places and all are under commandment of the Slave lords the centralbankers and nobils.(aipac)

pharaoh Sheshonq I - Chi es Hong > Hong > Kong - Hong dynasty

scarab - es ca arab - to the semites. Slaves who were sent to the semites to die there when they were not obedient enough - West got variations on that like the roman arena with lions and the spanish arena with bulls.

Also Europe where christianity was layed on had a law Children were commited to be married at ages 12. When that was not the case a year in the establishments of the elites was ordered for day and night abuse even with moutclamps as punishment was gladly given. When - impossible after being raped pregnant - at 13 stil not married then a deadly oneway tickets to the semites and sumerians was the endstation for the Child. Millions of Bones of the Old Whites are in de afrikan deserts the chinese oases and middle east craters who ended there as Slaves for abuse. Even the japanese anime painters from their collective subconsious paint the History of the White Children and what was done to Them by Our asian and eurasian lords who brought the evil of religions and their Slave trades.

After such period only a symbol of the horrortimes is neccesary to haunt the People again with utmost fears of death to come when seeing such symbol. We are ruled and manipulated with a World full of such utmost terrorist symbols. Like also the christian cross is No Symbol of Creation GOD and Life But of death and evil because that is where They Who Went With GOD were all crucified on.

Likely everywhere a scarab is found possibly is then place of lawrulings and making of destinies or courts.

You are not Aware but even the hammers judges abuse in lawcourts are to threaten the Civilisation with hammers that were used for centuries to smash Faces in break limbs and Heads as torture and punishment. Also at Children it was used by centralbankers schooldirectors and Mind controldoktors at schooltrips and campweeks until only a short while ago stil. as I also was broken by it!

"bright is the manifestation of Re, chosen of Amun/Re." That moniker corresponds to the throne name of Sheshonq I, the founding monarch of Egypt's 22nd Dynasty"

Ra is GOD Re is Offspring like some languages have for Wheatseed the word a ré are Are a Seed or Seedstring of the Halm. So Ra even can mean Father or Sourche. Wheat is a very Strong Symbol of Life Creation and Exisense also in Dreams.(Cornfields)

Then "Re, chosen of Amun/Re" means offspring "of" offspring of Amun.

"King Solomon" solomon - es olo mon(mo-on like Moon because belonging to...) - All is Mine. Just a plunderer of the "KING" dynasty > you Remember > king kong? The king dynasty also came to establishe the roman empire. First as outpost like the had many through the millenia but then it grew and became an empire as so many of their outposts grew to become next empires cities big cities countries as many stil do exist. Beware your king´s also are members of the king dynasty and Earth a commonwealth to them.

"Jordan" I or d an - Lord An a emperor of the chinese dynasty of king kong. And that is where he also settled.(l or d an - lord an lourd lourd-es lourdes laird lair)

"Khirbat en-Nahas" Chi ar bá at en eN ah as - Life without Me is expectancy - here the convicts were sent to die a horrible death in sewers of arab brothels. It means as much as " when I am gone atleast the rest of the Family had a change or Hope.

Just exact like the nowadays justicesystems work in fact. And many million Innocents Sacrificed Them Selfes to punishment for the Sake of Their Loved Ones Families and Children in Our lawsystems. Also the presence of the coppermine leads to idea they were abused as mine Slaves. But they were Not they were abused until death arrived. Fucking any to death was a common hatecrime what even the centralbankers and jews commited in huge numbers against Children Babies and People. The Copper Mine is 50.000 years old and does Not belong to the Era of Mankind but a Deceased/Extinct Civilisation.

Also the scarab (of death - there was only one centence)can be sensed in the words.

"Egyptian king "Shishak" " No egypt king But a ruler of verdicts a lawmaker of GOD - Chi es ha ak - Make the Word Broken for GOD - What means a Word Spoken for GOD or in God´s Name ever Should be the Truth or Perish!

"Jezreel Valley" Ye azrael is Uriel already Gone. A imposter who pretends to be GOD better known as israel nowadays. "Valley" fa allieds" betray Friends.(villan vuil(dutch for dirt) valley of the Dolls - where Children are raped! Ley Lines - Good Roads Given by GOD!(These Roads you will Not Understand because are from another Race of another Era 20.000 years ago)

"Negev " An ega en ef - the road to hel and back. Here convicts were sent as punisment to wander for a week without Water and is cause of the huge numbers of Water trauma We carry in Souls and politics aswell in the extorting manipulations by the bankers and nobils and others with Water.

"Jerusalem" - Ye eru Salem - thou with no GOD will die. Salem is the opposite of Alsem - Breath or Lifeforce Light of Life > GOD

"Karnak" arab for without death we are useless - ká arna ak. In dutch areas there also was a name for semites called kanaken killers of the lord faraos or vatican.

The christian churchtowers earlier were same as the semite mosk minarettes to throw atheists off to make Them beliefers in every word that was lied to Them befor they were converted to warningbelltowers in the European/semitewars.

"pharaoh" pfah a Rá oh há - death to GOD ( ráhoa raoha) and god am I. The farao dynasties had declared themselfes god and owner of all Creation without ever Realising they Never ever Created one tiny Drop of it! That The Real GOD Our Creator Did Whom they by all utmost wiped off of the Face of the Earth frightened as they were of an Enigma they never Experienced befor ..the Presence of Love and Life as Commander in Charge and Changing their ways and cultures into What it Now is a World of GOD Again!
In Europe govs services counties &laws sabotage all Healthy Energy for their oilmasters of the aipac nobils and centralbanks jewmonopolieselite industries also sabotage all they can w their kartels

even Housing isolation materials projects Panel Solar industries they keep polluting and poisoning all Environemt and

climate for own interests SO SHOULD also then PAY ALL damages and cosequenses ALSO!

Even silenced Free global Present Geotherm of 180°C at 3 Miles everywhere on the Globe

…that is a MAJOR damage Claim over 44 years now

w their globalisations%exportmarkets they even made ALL Efforts undone West made for decades to change use
of Energy and damages of acid rains #Forests Another Mega Claim

anihilating All Our Clean Industries by globalisations and lowwagepiratenations deteriorating us by that
even ALL political agenda IS FRAUD Because even al their geomilitary activity ALONE already Says We ll be on oil for 100
years more > SO ALL energy tax environmenttax pollutiontax FALSE blames Our way ARE FRAUD LIE and deceit robbery AND
coverup of own part including what airindustries does to us and climatechange by ie globalisation! Even all environmental

media campaigns FRAUD and deceit including a silent NASA who ´s satellites seem not to be able to See CO2 and the
global 1,8°C dip within two days during grounding airtraf usa during WTC! Mega Claims and tax Back!

So prepare none of these cheap clean inventions ever will come into action!
at the beginnings of car traffic even electric car was for a short while number 1 choice until oilindustries killed it 1900´s
doubleprofit by the same killers by blaming Victims and tax all of it for their own onpurpose selfmade pollutions
Sep 30, 2014, 11:21 am

The Gangster as Statesman, by Ernst Henri The American Mercury, November 1934 …
Look at page 82 point 54 > 100-Things-You-Should-Know-About-Communism-1949-127pgs-GOV-POL-COM. …
the communist wave of aipac asian elites nobils and centralbanksters …

Then Hitler immediately began his program of terrorizing every expression of civilized life and of pressing labor into a “sub-human race
You poked my heart!

This fits well with what Mr.Makow says, our “leaders” (many homosexual) are chosen on their moral frailities, and their willingness to betray us for fortune and fame

Who controls the secret police in a dictatorship IS the state.
The jewish Talmud is a manual to all the jews what they shall do to take control of all the states in the world — communism is only an updated version of Talmud. The jewish Talmud tells the jews that they must use every trick in the book to con the non-jews and that is what communism says, too.

Hitler was subsidized for years by the thyssen-Flick-Vogler-Krupp group in the Ruhr, that is, by the heavy industries; partly to eliminate the Catholic-Jewish- Wolff Deutsche Bank outfit, mainly to crush German labor into a literal legal feudal relation of labor to industry, with- out the feudal safeguards of social security. Page 381

In 1983, Robert B. Strecker, PhD (a pathologist), and his brother Ted, uncovered thousands of pages of documents indicating that the AIDS virus is a synthetic microbe genetically engineered in the laboratory. In February, 1999, attorney Boyd E. Graves uncovered scores of government documents that contain the timeline of how, when and where, and by whom, the virus was developed and administered. :


On Israel’s little-known concentration and labor camps in 1948-1955

21:20 take over of med industries was done by take over medical schools

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