How can anyone be against "social justice"?

I've seen a few people complain about the term "social justice warrior" and ask "how can you be against social justice?" Some people are apparently totally clueless, so let's explain this, shall we:

Nobody who seriously cares about real social justice is a friend to "social justice warriors". The term "social justice warrior" is meant to be SARCASTIC. Because the people it applies to ARE NOT THOSE THINGS. AT ALL.

- They aren't social - calling strangers "pissbabies" and "shitlords" on twitter is pretty anti-social.

- They aren't just - there are so many double standards and stereotypes peddled by SJWs it's ridiculous.

- They aren't warriors - hammering insults out on a keyboard and not lifting a finger to affect any real change in society doesn't make you a brave warrior, it makes you a fake coward.

This, the term is a joke. It's about the delusion these people have in their head, and how crazily different from reality that delusion really is.

SJWism is a movement of whiny, entitled, mostly white, mostly straight, and in the case of gaming journalists almost ENTIRELY male, hipsters; who routinely speak for minorities and lecture everyone else about things they have no background or experience in. The so-called "journalists" at sites like Kotaku don't have sociology degrees, why in god's holy name are they preaching at people about topics as important as sexual consent and depression? Why is anyone who claims to take these issues seriously listening to unqualified tabloid bloggers? WHO KNOWS. Most of them don't even have journalism degrees.

SJWism is a movement of privileged idiots who have no idea what they are talking about, but pretend to be the knowledgeable people who do care; meanwhile their toxic behavior turns would-be allies off, and the SJWs don't care what harm they do to the causes they claim to care about. Gamergate isn't the first reaction against this nonsense, and it follows a noticeable pattern, in that often the people fed up with SJWs - hilariously, ironically - are FAR MORE DIVERSE than the SJWs themselves.

This would all be a funny joke, except for the times when they become megaphones for unsubstantiated rumors that threaten people's reputations and careers, as Kotaku did when it printed sexual harassment rumors about Max Temkin (but remember, we mustn't mention Literally Who, whose pathological lying and relationship abuse is actually documented with real evidence, because that's like... her own private business, man).

SJW hipsters treat culture like a garbage heap they can crawl through, adopting fads "ironically" to feel like they're above everyone else, and subjecting every damn thing they encounter to an irritatingly polarized and heteronormative, rape obsessed, postmodern neo-Marxist style of weird feminist "critique" - which isn't really informed criticism at all, it's just being really politically slanted and picking everything apart and finding ways to complain. If a comic, video game or other piece of art doesn't really contain any sexism or racism, they just make it up - as I just saw SJWs doing to a recent Doctor Who episode that contained no racism whatsoever. And yet, the SJWs thought they saw some, and have been complaining about it. Well if you're a hammer I suppose everything does look like nails, doesn't it.

SJWs do not do real social justice. They are not capable of real, positive, social change. The only thing SJWs can really achieve is rage blogging and tumblr rants, which are at best annoying, and at worst smear decent people and have a chilling effect on free speech and artistic expression - which is a climate particularly hostile to minorities such as myself. SJWism promotes an entirely illiberal and narrow form of leftism, with its hopelessly heteronormative and America-centric worldview; its thin skin; its knee-jerk negativity toward sex and nudity.

So as I have said before, I hate SJWism so much BECAUSE I care about social justice. Real social justice. And SJWs make a mockery of it, and spit on real victims of oppression and violence, with every idiotic blog post and twitter insult they publish.

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