
sg_paanas · @sg_paanas

29th Sep 2014 from TwitLonger

What to do to support 4x9 and help it become a regular program.
With reference to and with thanks to @newskattuneito

1. Before broadcast - Use social media
The official website has buttons to share the website on Twitter and Facebook. The Like button can only be clicked on once per person, but the Tweet button can be clicked on an unlimited number of times per person. The automated tweet message includes only the show's title and website URL, but you can also include the broadcast date, time and other comments in the tweet.
You can copy and paste this message to add to the automated message: 2014年10月6日(月) 23:59~24.54放送!NEWSの4人が挑むのは、"強制家宅捜索バラエティ"!#4x9

2. During broadcast - Use social media
Make your tweets public and tweet about the show using the #4x9 hashtag. Mention you are watching the show live. Try not to mention/imply that you are watching it from overseas, if you are ;p. Try your best to tweet in Japanese, and to tweet about the contents of the show rather than just talking about how cute/cool the members are (although they are cute and cool ;p). This may help to arouse the interest of channel surfers in the show and encourage them to tune into 4x9.

But remember, enjoying the show should still be first priority!! ^^

3. After broadcast - Send your comments to the broadcaster
Meaningful comments are encouraged. Please do not spam the broadcaster. You can try to talk about
a) What you thought of the show. In addition to saying that it was interesting, funny etc, say which parts were interesting, funny etc.
b) What can be improved upon. Say what can be done to make it even more interesting.
c) What you want NTV to do. This is the most important part. State that you would like the show to become a regular program! Eg 「また放送して欲しい」や「レギュラー化を希望している」。

If you need help to translate your message into Japanese, please feel free to email us at

Do send your comments to NTV as soon as possible after the broadcast! This is to tell NTV that we watched the show live.

Let's both enjoy the show to the fullest, and do what we can to achieve everyone's dream of having a regular TV show for NEWS!! ^^

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