
A. · @ipipie

24th Sep 2014 from TwitLonger

Qn: What do you do when you're tired to refresh yourselves?

JH: I guess it's to rest and sleep alot. I usually space out on my bed before sleeping. Like, boonnggg.......... Just like that.

TM: Bath! For about 30mins to an hour.
JH: It's probably not a good idea to soak in there for an hour you know??
MC: what do you do when you're in there
JH: He'll go boonggggg.... (space out LOL)

MH: For me it's soccer!
JH: But after concerts we're tired, we can't move you know?!
MH: But concerts and doing sports is different. There's something else. I talk alot to the rest of the members.
JH: But when minho talks too much, all of us go boooongggggg...........(space out)

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