How to Engage The #GamerGate Opposition - Reminder

In a word? Don't.

Usually in a heated political or otherwise public debate, you would think that your goal would be to sway and convince the general public to your side through logic, reason, and being rational.

However, how this ACTUALLY goes with "court of public opinion" situations such as these is that you DON'T have to convince the observing people that you're right.

You just have to convince them that the OTHER guy is wrong.

Proving yourself right and proving the other guy wrong are two very different things.

This is the reason that observe, document, and report is a critical technique of swaying the public's opinion of you. You're doing your part, you are NOT REACTING with the type of behavior that your opponents currently expect out of you and can call you out on. Being able to point and show that the other side is behaving badly will make the general public shake their heads and go, "Oh my, look at how disgraceful and embarrassing that is!"

You already know from CONSISTENT and REPEATED attempts that direct engagement doesn't go well, produces little to no results, and typically ends up causing more problems than it solves (threats of doxxing, etc). Do not engage in debate with individuals; ALL they are trying to do is prove that you are wrong and point their fingers with, "Look at what those misogynist white men have done!" We already know that those things are grossly inaccurate. But your job is not to convince your opposition: They have PUT THEIR FINGERS IN THEIR EARS and stopped listening. Your job is to talk to those who aren't doing that; the general public.

The general public ALREADY DISLIKES a great deal of the current agenda pushers who are your direct opposition; the only difference between you and them is that you are OUTSPOKEN about your dislike. This means that the advantage is IN YOUR FAVOR by default.

All of this, the results that you are looking for (whatever they may be), are being held behind a propaganda battle that you MUST win.

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