
wongpeishi · @peishi0408

16th Sep 2014 from TwitLonger

Faster way to spam vote for SJ on pptv without clearing cookies (google chrome

1st use this Settings > show advanced settings > content settings > manage exceptions > cookie and site data exceptions > under hostname pattern, key in > under behaviour, select "block" > click done

cr:elfabet_ · the page
and choose sj,then click the blue column,pop up one window,click ok.then check the vote increase or not,just continously cilck the blue column and check the increasing of the vote.If u see the number dont change,then mean u need to change ip .(actually can vote up to hundred vote.i just vote repeatedly..

3.use zenmate to change different ip ,try the faster ip to open the page.and continue vote.

4Let International ELF show up our power to change the result.we got 2 weeks to work for it..

5.the final result will bring Super Junior on the largest LED board in SHANGHAI ,CHINA

Let voting!!!

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