A Well Thought Out Response to "Gameover Gate"

I was originally going to make an infograph, but to be honest I don't have a reliable image-editing program and my MS Paint skills leave something to be desired. So, I figured I'd use Twitlonger for this. I'm going to talk out Quinn's response to #GamerGate and explain why every part of it is misleading or just nonsense, piece by piece. I apologize for the length--she does provide a LOT of bullshit to dismantle.

Let's start at the beginning.


Congratulations, Zoe. All I see are #GamerGate supporters trying to win over the people accusing them of being a hate movement, by PROTECTING them from said harassers. Which, AGAIN, #GamerGate does NOT CONDONE or support.

Of course, these attempts always fail. Still. Furthermore... anyone who knows #GamerGate and 4chan in general... knows that there are no such things as "raid IRC channels." (See a later post.)


A lot of people were pissed at Quinn, and frankly still are. However, having a bot which reports on her latest tweets is not harassment. It isn't even necessarily bad. There is a function built into Twitter itself that notifies you if X has posted a new tweet I use to keep track of my girlfriend's tweets (everyone else I follow tweets a ton, she does not).


Here, people simply discuss getting more information on the #GamerGate scandal. There's also a mention of some of the people possibly being sued over the affair. They're discussing what actions might brand us as being paranoid and how to move things forward. Again, I ask you... what the hell does she show here that is even SLIGHTLY incriminating? Nothing. Not a damn thing. Perhaps she's afraid of being one such person? I would be.


Empty threats. Mocking. More bluffing. She's really bad at sounding convincing.


Even though this isn't a sign of any wrongdoing, it does deserve addressing. The scandal started with Zoe Quinn and the five guys tied to cover-ups and financial fraud, thus the channel title. It just wasn't changed--although the tag, #Quinnspiracy, has since been abandoned. It's quickly become bigger than Zoe Quinn.

This is not about Quinn or her friends. It is, however, about their behavior and involvement in the scandal, just like so many other crooks. Just read #GamerGate posts, damn it.


Here's where a lack of context hurts. The image Quinn attaches suggests the entire chatroom, full of #GamerGate supporers is hell-bent on hacking/raiding Quinn. However, if you read the full logs you'll see only RogueStar is (somewhat) serious about the idea, and others ignore him. Eventually, his behavior escalates and people call him out on it:

<RogueStar> Fuck convincing these people.
<ayylmao1488> but ultimately this comes down to us vs silvertring and we sure as fuck wont convince them
<zhplach> and if the people making the videos better understand the pre-existing arguments against feminism then they will better represent our side too
<RogueStar> killing the careers of their "heroes" is what matters
<Thidran> Do you not get it Rogue?
<MikeyLowell> I'm not saying "HAY GUYS LET'S ADOPT THIS STRATEGY I HAVEN'T FORMULATED YET", I'm just asking because it's something I'm willing to do the research on.
<MikeyLowell> There's a ton of people in here, I figure maybe someone knows this field better than I do.
<RogueStar> What I dont get is you trying to reason with the enemy.
<zhplach> it's not about convincing feminists, genius, it's about convincing the people watching/listening to you rebut the arguments against us
<RogueStar> This is war, not politics
<ayylmao1488> they are not "the enemy"

So yeah, one loose cannon that everyone told to shut the fuck up.


Does Quinn have weak reading comprehension? Eron does not tell ANYONE how to fuck anyone over. On the contrary, he tells the members of #GamerGate to be cautious and try not to tarnish the #GamerGate tag by being eccentric. Everyone else more or less agrees.


Bluffing. There is STILL nothing of substance here. If she did bring this to the FBI, they'd laugh nervously and tell her they'll "look into it when they have the time." (Never)


So yeah, Zoe, people unfortunately take note of what you say, seriously or flippantly. Surprise--some are able to read between the lines (no pun intended).


"Aborting 4chan raid IRCs," eh? Conveniently... she posts none of the RESPONSES to this post afterward, which were numerous (and can be found in the archive.moe archives). Every response more or less is "okay, ZOE," "fuck off" and/or "there are no raid IRCs." Go check for yourself.


What is it, Zoe? People talking about preventing conflict with SJW's? This is literally all they're talk about. I see no evidence of harassment--on the contrary, I see evidence of people planning ways to STOP harassment.


No attached evidence. The evidence, if you want it, lies in #GamerGate itself. Click it, and observe the majority of it being anti-harassment, even to people who verbally abuse them. This is just cut-and-dry bullshit. She speaks of the inevitable eccentrics that try to ally with #GamerGate, not the majority of us.


A few tongue-in cheek comments about "going undercover [to talk to Anita]" and Kotaku's bullshit, plus Eron telling them they don't have enough evidence via Twitter (NO context provided, but I'm guessing it's about Anita's supposed twitter death threat).


The user Roguestar mentions Blackhat and another guy mentions Mario. ... That's it. It's not even clear whether or not Roguestar was being serious about it. OF COURSE, the rest of the conversation is omitted. How convenient.


Oh, so NOW we're "reasonable people"? What happened to all of us being scum? Your manipulation skills must be getting rusty. Read the conversation. They say they "should respect [TFYC trying to keep it professional]." The word "pawn" is never used. Does she suggest that because they speak strategically? I'll bet she thought The Wizard of Oz was secretly about capitalism, too.


SJW's are mentioned offhand, and with no maliciousness.They talk about keeping #GamerGate out of the mainstream media and how they should avoid tangling with SJW's. Anyone who is faithful to #GamerGate knows that, at heart, we hate SJW's BEHAVIOR and their twisted IDEOLOGY, not the people themselves. Deep down, these are probably decent people too.

Also they make fun of Eron. Shouldn't you be happy to hear that, Ms. Quinn?


A person named "Lawfag" was going to act on the behalf of #GamerGate... but it turns out the money he'd earn from the Indiegogo campaign was going to be funneled to his wife. This is shitty behavior, but not reflective of #GamerGate as a whole. Someone trying to profit off of the cause. ... And for the record, this is incorrect. Lawfag first appeared in the /v/ threads, not in the IRC channel.


There's actually very little said here. It's mostly about "audits" and law technicalities. Interestingly, there is nothing here about Eron's supposed questioning of her weight (though I do know he did answer this question from other sources: "Heavier than most girls I date").

Did you feelings get hurt? I guess mine would be, too.


The "sleeper cells" thing was somewhat of a joke. Oh look, no more of the chat to provide context! I'm starting to see a pattern, here. Anyway, the idea was that there were some people from #GamerGate at PAX--to watch out for anyone who might try to make a scene with Quinn, as a false flag or someone who was just a random idiot--and to intercept them.

Which was to stop you from smearing mud on our name, by the way. Not for you.


The first instance of #NotYourShield. ... And? Side note: strongly suggests she actively surfs the /v/ threads. How do we know the less polite posters aren't false flags planted by her? It would make sense. Food for thought.


Except... it wasn't a raid thread. This is a downright lie. You can check the responses and read the thread for yourself. Or does organizing a group of people with a hashtag and having them use it to promote a good cause count as a raid? If so, you're entirely correct.


Roguestar goes on a rant about wanting to destroy people's careers and marriages. Everyone ignores him, save for one person who just remarks he brought in new evidence. ... But yeah. No context from the rest of the chat.


I... don't even know what to say. So I'll say nothing.

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