
Ninouh · @Ninouh90

6th Sep 2014 from TwitLonger

Ruminations of a "Weaponized Minority"

Well then, I think it's safe to say that #gamergate has been a wild and interesting ride for all involved. Especially ever since the early morning hours of September 3rd when I posted the first #notyourshield comment. Since then, the tag has blossomed into n impressively large movement being carried out by the previously hesitant voices of the pro #gamergate crowd.

However the part of #notyourshield I always knew was coming were the dissenting cries from the social justice brigade. I mean, why wouldn't it? #notyourshield is a blatant spit in the face to their entire narrative, to see blacks, asians, latinos, women, and all sorts of other folk rally under the banner of a supposed oppressor? That sounds like some disturbing shit if you look at it from their perspective (no matter how ill in formed and daft their perspective may be).

Now that brings me to the actual point. The first day of #notyourshield was the SJWs calling the participants fake. The second day was spent trying to defame the movement by linking it to 4chan. Now we're on day 3 and the ugliest, most mean spirited response has been dropped. The accusation, that all #notyourshield participants and I are just "weaponized minorities".

Even if you ignore how stupid the sound of that name is (it was thought up by youtube comedian and professional white knight Matt Lees) you can see the, and I know I'm sounding like them when I say this, "problematic" undercurrent to this sentiment.

To tell me that if I as an individual speak up against social justice online I'm no better than an uncle tom, or that I'm looking for white acceptance is not only false, but egregiously racist.

I browse 4chan, and by its nature I see the word nigger used alot. Sure as a youngster I was taken aback by the sheer frequency of its usage but after a while it became nothing more than white noise against the backdrop of "fag" "kike" "slav" "spic" and multiple other slurs I've grown not to care about. But never have I once (outside of /pol/ and /r9k/) have I ever felt like someone did not value me enough to feel like my thoughts on an issue were not my own. That I was being used by a higher evil power to spread hatred and misogyny, and that my own reasons for participating were rooted in self hate or wanting to fit in.

I'll be frank with you. I don't like to let things said on the Internet get to me, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't pissed the fuck off at this sentiment that sjws are beginning to espouse. Calling me an uncle tom, or a modern day house nigger, or that I was complicit in my own oppression. I'd like to let you know, Im more offended by those statements than any amount of times I've been called a nigger.

You are effectively talking past me and looking to see who pulls my strings, while the fact that you don't see the racism in there being strings to pull in the first place.

I'd rather live in a world where every sentence said to me ended in nigger than one where people didn't view my words as legitimate.

So from a "weaponized minority" I say sincerely.

Fuck You.

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