@spainbuca identified, (multi?) fraud unveiled @megasungena1996 @crepirpoddae198 @exeltrabstig198 @BFomin41

- The man exists, at first he alleged to be José Carlos Sánchez (in an interview he attended in March 2014, 7:13)
(spanish) http://www.cope.es/player-alternativo/Mediodia-COPE-1500-09032014&id=2014030914540001&activo=10
we knew his face, that nowbody seems to publicly identify in Spain to this moment, when he attended an interview for RT (Russia Today) in spanish.
His Facebook account shared with his alleged girlfriend has been identified and information was extracted from there, allegedly his full name would be José Carlos Barrios Sánchez, immediately after being public identified both his shared Facebook account and his girlfriend's Facebook account were closed. Allegedly he don't speak Russian nor Ukrainian and had travelled before to Romania (from where his alleged girlfriend is), UK, and some parts of the US. Allegedly he's currently working for IAG at Dulles airport in Washington DC. However this version is doubtful, his Facebook profile has been closed right after it was pubicly identified as being of his own, and that was days after closing his twitter account under accusations of lying, so he was probably waiting for that and could develop a false US story to distract attention, especially taking account his US narration begins right after the Kiev affair, and in the released stuff there seemed not to be US photos, while there seemed to be Bucharest photos (Bucarest in spanish as in @spainbuca).
In his Facebook front page (second twitter link above) section "otros" shows interests in south Avila province in Spain, that matches what he declared previously on twitter: he were from Avila, confirming that's his account.

- Through one of his emails in the Facebook account was revealed a page where he said he moved from Spain to Bucharest (matching Facebook account info) in July 2009 to work as spanish administration official in Romania. He offered himself to make contacts with spanish people and companies in Romania.
Also it was revealed a Facebook message from him on 2014.05.25 in a thread declaring he was living in Bucharest for 5 years and had voted in EU Parlament elections that same day, what matches 2009 record from Facebook account, and it's clearly incompatible with what he declared in his tweets about his presence in Kiev in that dates.

- It was proven he was not in Kiev in 2014.07.17, he lied when he declared to be in Kiev minutes before news about Malaysian Airlines MH17 crash

- Journalist Matthew Bennett obtained information revealing their lies about his claims on his occupation, spanish Embassy in Kiev confirmed they didn't know him, nor the spanish community there, despite his claims of having been expelled by ukrainian authorities; also confirmed Kiev airport told Embassy no spaniard worked for them. Matthew also checked spanish ATCs major union (96% of all spanish ATCs) confirming they doesn't know who he is.
(spanish) https://twitter.com/matthewbennett/status/490192330331549696/photo/1
(same in english) http://pressimus.com/Interpreter_Mag/press/3419
(spanish) https://twitter.com/matthewbennett/status/4898343409570529287
(about the same in english, esc to read it) http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/07/18/infowars_russian_media_mh17_ukraine

- Another media confirmed with Kiev airport authorities no spaniard work with them.
(english) http://www.stopfake.org/en/lies-spanish-flight-operations-officer-from-kiev-informed-about-ukrainian-planes-involved-in-boeing-tragedy/

Among other things
- It was proven he made false accusations of death threatenings on him from ukrainian community in Spain
(spanish) https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:VICr23_pmcAJ:https://twitter.com/spainbuca/status/462923873802256384+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk ("block" refers to blog)
(spanish) http://conucrania.com/2014/04/07/carlos-vision-de-ucrania-desde-una-posicion-privilegiada/ (no death threatenings from ukrainian community)
- It was proven he didn't knew requirements to be ATC in Ukraine
- It was proven only an ukrainian can be an ATC in Ukraine by law
(spanish) http://www.meneame.net/story/avion-b-777-volo-escoltado-2-cazas-ucranios/c044#c-44
- It was proven he has not used in his known communications russian nor ukrainian languages. Both languages and english are requirements for ATCs in Ukraine. This also matches what he allegedly declared to speak in his now closed Facebook account.
- Other media described that right before his Twitter account was closed one user accused him of lying about his qualification for ATC in Ukraine
(russian) http://m.kp.ru/online/news/1795525/
(ukrainian) https://allin777.livejournal.com/292173.html

- It was proven an spanish citizen cannot have ukrainian citizenship with double citizenship, both contries have no international treaty for that.
(spanish) http://www.mjusticia.gob.es/cs/Satellite/es/1215198282690/EstructuraOrganica.html

- It was proven an ukrainian cannot have any double citizenship by law (Article 9.)
(english) https://web.archive.org/web/20121012010014/http://www.mfa.gov.ua/mfa/en/publication/content/719.htm

- In May he tweeted he had been expelled from Ukraine on spy and instigator charges
(spanish) https://twitter.com/SergueiMakarov/status/467240422515814400
but right after that he continued tweeting like nothing happened and like he were working again at Boryspil airport tower in Kiev, until he closed in mid July.

Not to mention his claims in his tweets about the availabitly for a civil ATC as he claimed to be, working at Boryspil airport tower in Kiev, to access, not only to members of the Government of Ukraine, top military authorities and top civil aviation authorities, but also to strategic conversations among them about crucial events development because allegedly they made such a thing where he was working... that's such a delirium (among others) that one has to be out of his mind or be a furious fanatic to take it into account.

- More Twitter accounts has been identified as suspects to be of his own
https://twitter.com/paya_cepero/status/494186787456434176 (underused, interesting here lists of follows and followers, especially for an account with almost no activity, a bunch of usual references around @spainbuca activity can be showed)
some of them active and created immediately after @spainbuca account was debunked and close, and in at least 2 of them he seems to be trying to fake an Euronews journalist identity
https://twitter.com/paya_cepero/status/494151090481676288 (@carlbansan)
https://twitter.com/ladyblackvelvet/status/493074529938583553 (@carlb_sj)
From tweets in @carlb_sj it was showed how he try to impersonate an Euronews journalist who allegedly have been travelling to Gaza, and how he keeps insisting in narration from russian media about Malaysian Airlines MH17 attack. Also there seems to be another patern of "press-poisoning", he seems to follow accounts that can reinforce his masquerade, and also accounts of media, journalists and bloggers with influence especially in Spain, quite of them also seem to follow him; then he used to tweet some of them occassionaly trying to sow his narration on his specific targets. This is an activity similar to what you can also see in various other "Russian-propaganda-bot" accounts of recent and massive activity these days, retwitting Russian media propaganda regularly like a clock.
https://twitter.com/search?q=carlb_sj https://twitter.com/paya_cepero/status/494211228114239488 (only responses as his account is restricted, there's some prominent spanish media, journalists, bloggers and microbloggers in that list, among others)

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