

21st Jul 2014 from TwitLonger

[TRANS] #HEX_SIGN #VIXX Ravi's letter: Hello Starlights. I'm not sure what to start with as I suddenly have been asked to write a letter. I am worried if my thoughts will be said correctly.
It's very nerve-wrecking to write a letter for someone but now that I know it's for all of you, I am more anxious, nervous, and worried.
2 years ago, from May 24th to today's first solo concert, I believe that I have developed a lot by experiencing a lot of events and learning from them. It is because of Starlights' love and attention that I was able to start with the members without possessing anything and experiencing many performances and opportunities. I also believe that we were able to win 1st place against prominent sunbaes and other artists, gain confidence, and relieve our shoulders (from harships) because of you again, although we still lack a lot.
For the past 2 years, I have learned about being thankful. Initially, I was a fool that I didn't know about thankfulness. From now on, I will become more knowledgeable about being thankful and being able to love. Truthfully, I am the kind of person who likes to express with honesty but in front of your poisonous existence, I become very shy and cannot express myself very well. That is why I have many moments where I regret not expressing my thoughts well. But today, I really want to say "I love you" to everyone.
I love you.
Although there is a long ways to go, we will become a VIXX with good music and a cool appearance that you can be proud of.
I always say this but I want our fans to be proud of being a fan (of us).
I put in a lot of thoughts in a small letter but I don't know if you received them well.
Starlights, who I am always thankful of and sorry, I love you.

Source: for_myuniverse
Translated by Erica @ withVIXX.com
Please take out with full credits!

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